Alright, two ships. First, Worf's BoP. I forget it's exact name, but a screen on Ezri's runabout listed this ship as K'Vort class. Unusual, don't ya think?
Second, Ezri's Runabout must have been new, the name was unfamiliar. Did anyone get the name of it?
------------------ Lyta Vorlon: "Our great mistake. Our failing. And now your failing. The error is compounded." Delenn: "What mistake?" Lyta Vorlon: "The first one, the one from which all mistakes proceed: The error of Pride..."
As for that runabout. I heard Gander and Ganda. Couldn't find any rivers in my Atlas under those names (especially not Gander ). Interestingly the close-captioning listed the runabout as the Ganges. Now Ganga (close in pronuciation to the words heard) is an alternative spelling to Ganges. Maybe she is the Ganges II? I sure would like hear an explantion from TPTB on this one.
One a second note, I was relieved to find out that Ezri had not been promoted, just the glare of that one scene made it appear to be so.
------------------ "I'm doctor, not a dragonslayer."
Jim Phelps
watches Voyager AFTER 51030
Member # 102
The BoP thing is extremely important since it suggests that the designations have nothing to do with size, only with configuration. Maybe the K�Vort designation refers to BoP ships with a greater firepower or troop capacity, which in the past required a larger spaceframe. Nowdays, the miniaturization may be further ahead, which made the 200m+ ships obsolete - hence the lack of big BoPs in the recent eps.
[This message was edited by Boris on April 11, 1999.]
The runabout is pronounced "Ganda," but at one point Ezri said "Gander." I know many people who change trailing "a" sounds to "er," though. I'm told it's a Boston accent thing.
------------------ Robot: "Hey, I'm stuck up here!" Cyclonus: "Everybody's got to be somewhere."
There is a Gander River... longest river in Newfoundland, flows through the town of Gander (the western equivalent of Shannon Airport during the pre-jet era).
It's quite possible that whoever said it earlier clipped the -er making it sound like Ganda, while Ezri, with her near-perfect Canadian pronounciation (and a basic knowledge of Canadian Geography thanks to knowing someone called Nicole deBoer), got it right.
------------------ "......" �������������-The Breen at Internment Camp 371
You mean the Rio Grande is still hanging around?
------------------ "Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Yeah! Some call me the Gangster of Love. Some people call me Maurice. Whoo hoo! 'Cause I speak of the Pompatus of Love!" - Steve Miller Band's The Joker
I'd be very impressed if the Rio Grande survived until the end of the series. The only original runabout to survive at Deep Space Nine. Well, I guess the only runabout period to last more than a year at Deep Space Nine.
------------------ "Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Yeah! Some call me the Gangster of Love. Some people call me Maurice. Whoo hoo! 'Cause I speak of the Pompatus of Love!" - Steve Miller Band's The Joker