I have been looking at the six variants from the ds9 technical manual and apart from these ships being very ugly and look like if they held together by superglue or something. Is it just me but aren't starfleet getting desparate using these ships? Like the Constitution Class Variant is based on a ship that was mothballed 80 years ago and if the design could not hack it then I do not think it will be able to meet the requirements now.
------------------ "We set sail on this new sea because their is new knowledge to be gained and new rights to be won" John F Kennedy
The very existance of these ships is conjectural in the worst way!! To quote Kirk: "Don't believe them!" The writers of the book simply made up these ships as fillers. We've never seen them and IMO, they don't exist. See some of the other archived threads on this topic for more heated arguments on "kitbashed" ships.
------------------ "A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx
If I see them, I could find an explanataion why this very ship could be useful for a special purpose. Starfleet doesn't build kitbashes (should I make this my signature?), let alone cannon fodder.
Well the only kitbashes seen are the Centaur and Shelley. I have no idea where there came up with those other ones. The entire starship section was simply added to help sell the book.
------------------ "...and if frogs could fly; well we'd still have this problem, but wouldn't it be cool?" - Drew Carey Federation Starship Datalink - Starship site of the new millennium.
Without really wishing to revisit the whole kitbashing topic again, I feel obliged to point out once again that the only aspect of the Shelley Class, Centaur Type and Yeager Class which fit the term kitbashing are the physical models that the creators used to film the scenes. In the Star Trek universe, scale considerations make it impossible for these ships to have been slapped together from various spare parts off other classes. They were designed as unique classes using similar design elements as other ships contemporary to their time of design.
------------------ "A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx