just made by the Presbyterian Church
Member # 256
I recently watched "To the Death" and noticed that the gateway in that episode "jumped" between several "pictures" which probably denote the destiations you could travel to. But how is it possible there were pictures of Earth (Paris ??), a city on Cardassia Prime (IIRC ??), Ferenginar, (??), Romulus (??), and some others? (which were not visible long enough to distinguish) Also, since the special effects for the gateway were "borrowed" from "Contagion" which was made years earlier, this would mean that Cardassia was "invented" long before the Cardassians themselves came into play. Furthermore, would it be likely that the Iconians constructed these gateways to all the homeworlds of the AQ races (which seems to be the case)?
------------------ "Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"
Regarding the mechanics of the gateways, I don't think they need to build them in both places. The implication is that you can pick just about any destination in the galaxy. (I have to imagine that the Iconians knew how to switch the gateways from "screensaver" to "travel" mode. )
------------------ "You are stupid and evil and do not know you are stupid and evil." -- Gene Ray, Cubic
Sol's right. Remember back in Contagion, that gateway led to the bridges of the Enterprise and the Romulan Warbird. Worf and Data went through to the Enterprise and Picard to the Warbird.
------------------ 7 alarm clock: "Do not touch me." Dilbert: "Then how do I turn you off?" 7: "Believe me, I am plenty turned off."
The portals may not have all that impressive a range. After all, the "screen saver mode" has only shown us familiar Alpha quadrant locations, probably within 500 ly from the portals seen.
It's rather clear that one can go from a portal to a selected location within the operational range. But how does one travel in the other direction? Does the traveler have to carry a special communicator into which he can say "beam me up, Icky"? It would be a major breakthrough if the Feds learned to send such calls to Iconian portals. They could just build a big transmitter in San Francisco and explore strange new worlds the Stargate SG-1 way... Or even the Guardian of Forever way, by just filming the "screen saver" with a high-speed camera and watching the film in slo mo.
Well, the gateway in "To The Death" was in the Gamma Quadrant, which suggests they can span the galaxy if Cardassia was indeed one of the locations shown.
------------------ "You are stupid and evil and do not know you are stupid and evil." -- Gene Ray, Cubic
Maybe the gates have a 'sphere' of operation - and that it can view in screen saver mode other areas from other gates down the network... so - maybe there is an Iconian gate close by to Cardassia Prime (that noone knows about) - unless its the one from the Neutral Zone - but I think that would be too far away...
The Hirogen network sounds somewhat similar - maybe it was an earlier version of the Iconian gateways?
------------------ "What a wonderful and amazing scheme have we here of the magnificent vastness of the Universe! So many Suns, so many Earths...!" - Christian Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds, Their Inhabitants and Productions (ca 1670)
Despite what the Encyclopedia 2.5 says, it's still a bit unlikely that the "Hirogen network" really was of Hirogen origin. It seemed to have been built really long ago. The Hirogen probably just conquered the local relay node and began calling the entire system their sovereign property.
If the Iconians were really galaxy-wide (I didn't remember the "To the Death" gate was in Gamma!), there are probably plenty of artifacts of their culture remaining. Two gates have been found already in a short time. Very probably other races have found other gates. If the homeworld wasn't more thoroughly pillaged, then the various outposts might have intact machinery to be found.
Was the age of the "Hirogen" network established? And does it coincide with the Iconian rule, or that of any other known empire?
And why aren't more artifacts of ancient empires known? Space should be a good preservative for them.
Well I only called it the Hirogen network - yeah they just utilised it for themselves - I think Harry Kim says that it was an anciet structure... and its idea sounds very Iconion gateway - like a radio compared to a TV?
*set scene* old Iconia "In MY day we didn't have your FANCY SHMANCY gateways - we had to make do with communication networks - where you could only send MESSAGES! or the odd hologram - if you were desparate..."
------------------ "What a wonderful and amazing scheme have we here of the magnificent vastness of the Universe! So many Suns, so many Earths...!" - Christian Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds, Their Inhabitants and Productions (ca 1670)
As for how the Iconians got back... I would say that, if someone went through to a world w/o a gate, they probably couldn't get back (unless they built a gate, or something). The gates were probably mainly used to go back and forth among each other. When the Iconians would go through to a new world, they would build a new gate. Obviously, this would mean they had to study and choose a planet to go to before actually going to it. If they went through and something was bad, they'd be kind of stuck. Only well-planned colonization teams would go through to ungated planets.
The reason we saw so many ungated planets in the "screen saver" mode is because the gates had last been used for evacuation. These were probably planets that (at the time) were being considered as candidates for colonization. When the Iconians had to evacuate, they figured those would be the best places to go.
------------------ Jay Leno: "In the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk', what did the goose lay?" "Bosco": "Everybody." -The Tonight Show, "Jaywalking"