Sorry, I don't know of any site that would have those screencaps, nor do I ave the equipment to do them myself. I don't even have the tape of "Prophets" at the moment. In fact, I could be hallucinating the entire presence of the model in that episode!
You will have to look elsewhere to expand your excellent collection...
One of the crew of a Malon freighter made a model for his son in his spare time.
------------------ "I'm captain Kenny Redshirt of the Miranda Class USS Killedalot, NCC-1313." "I know it is an old ship, but..." KABOOOOMM!! "Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bastards!"
A small explaination: - Kenny (in Pouth Park) gets killed almost all the time. - Redshirts (in Star Trek) are usualy the first to get killed. - Miranda Class ships are, most probably, trashed the most out of all Federation ships.
I hope you can see where I'm going at...
Now back to the SS Enterprise thread:
Paul Cargile is trying to explain the length of the ship on his homepage. From what I can make out is that they create gravity by rotation. To me that means that the living space is in the circular part of the ship (think: Babylon 5), not in the forward pod.
"Let mental culture go on advancing, let the natural sciences progress in even greater extent and depth, and the human mind widen itself as much as it desires: beyond the elevation and moral culture of Christianity, as it shines forth in the Gospels, it will not go." Goethe
smilie in SS Enterprise: ------------------ "Si vis pacem, para bellum." (If you want peace, prepare for war) - Vegetius Prakesh's Star Trek Site
[This message has been edited by Prakesh (edited February 29, 2000).]