And what post is complete without...
...a top view?
...or a bottom view?
Length (official): 24mWidth (official): 16mHeight: 4.96
And on the fourth post he rested.
------------------"And though I once prefered a human being's company, they pale before the monolith that towers over me."--They Might Be Giants
------------------"About as useful as a narcoleptic rickshaw driver."-James Lileks
-------------------=Ryan McReynolds=-
Gee whiz Sol, it doesn't look much like the Delta Flyer to me.
THANKS though for scanning these for individuals that were unfortunate enough not to be able to see the movie.
And Sol, they have a cure for the symptoms you described, it's called Jolt cola!
------------------"Truth is cheap, information costs."
------------------What bloke invented signatures?
------------------"I KNOW I'm dense..."-a certain anonymous administrator