Anybody be interest in one? I realize that this isn't quite appropriate, but I figure I would try anyway. I used to be a regular at this forum, but time restraints have largely decrease the available time that I can spend doing anything I want to do.The Mek'leths are about 50 cm long, made from 1/4 in steel, but not yet complete. I am not looking to make profit just to get the materials and see them finished. I just don't have the time to finish them. I am looking at it from an artistic point of view, does anybody want to finish some really cool Klingon weaponry ?
If you interest e-mail me and I will send along some pics.
I actually know someone from chatting that creates some realistic looking Bat'leths and sells them. Maybe I could get him to contact you and you can work them out.
------------------ "The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey
A hobby store I go to called Green Dragon has a lot of weapons like katana's, sai's, nunchakus's, a few other things including the Klingon dagger and Bat'leth.
------------------ "Tigers are mean! Tigers are fierce! Tigers have teeth and claws that pierce!" Federation Starship Datalink - On that annoying Tripod server, sucks don't it?
I got spam from someone advertising their Mek'leth on E-bay. Made me mad. They even said on the info that it was like the one Worf used in TNG. Well, he never used the Mek'leth until he got to DS9...
------------------ "A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx