Well, it's actually a fairly minor spoiler. The destruction of the DF isn't a major plot point. Besides, he doesn't tell you when, where, or how it was destroyed. *shrug*
------------------ "How many Libraries of Congress per second can your software handle?" -Avery Brooks, IBM commercial
I've got pics and an animation on my Delta Flyer Multimedia Page I really really want pics of the Delta Flyer with its 'wings' out though. *hint hint*
------------------ "How's your 13th chromosome? Missing a couple of base pairs in gene 178?"--Captain Janeway to Mortimer Harren
The web page is not completed yet, but come by and check it out. :) Quantum Threshold
As for the Flyer being blown up, word is that the producers did it on purpose to bring out the Aeroshuttle (and yes, Aeroshuttle is the correct term) that everyone is dying to see. I personally cannot wait! I love the bigger shuttle-ish ships. The Runabouts, the Captain's Yacht and The Delta Flyer.
By the way, I think they already named her. The Delta Clipper sounds like a good one, doesn't it?
------------------ It is offensive. Fortunately, taste is irrelevant. -Seven of Nine
------------------ "The Starships of the Federation are the physical, tangible manifestations of Humanity�s stubborn insistence that life does indeed mean something." Spock to Leonard McCoy in "Final Frontier"
Well, the destruction didn't really have any relevance to the just happened. If you blinked during that scene, you wouldn't even have noticed.
------------------ June is National Accordion Awareness Month. "And as we all know, 454 Okudagrams equals an Okudapound." - Rick Sternbach
Shadow: So what? I don't care about its relavance to the episode, I care about its relavance to the show as a whole.
The Aeroshuttle rumor stems from, as I recall, some vague rumblings about one of the FX companies doing a test shot of it. But I seem to remember that test shot being rather old, and certainly not proof of any plan to actually show the thing. Though it would be quite cool.
Jim Phelps
watches Voyager AFTER 51030
Member # 102
No, that was just Rick Sternbach saying a *loong* time ago that Foundation did a test shot of it. A season has passed since then and we haven't seen it, so I guess the idea has been dropped - after all, the Delta Flyer is a superior ship with its Borg enhancements.
Now that the DF is destroyed, the crew might be able to manage without it, especially given the latest rumors about the ship returning home 2/3rds into the season. I wouldn't want to see it rebuilt. It would be nice if they'd dig up the AeroShuttle, though the way I see it now is covered with years of dust, possibly damaged a little (which would explain why it hasn't even been considered for use all this time).
Sol is right. An FX company did a test awhile ago and they said it looked great. I even read somwehere that they even designed the front to be squared so that they could use a redressed Runabout cockpit for the interior. Unfortunately, the test was never seen by anyone other than the PTB, so it's dorsal appearance is still speculation. As for it being named the Delta Clipper, I can't remember where I heard that (good name though). I, for one, would love to see her go up against the Tactical cube to get Janeway, B'ellana and Tuvok back
------------------ It is offensive. Fortunately, taste is irrelevant. -Seven of Nine