posted March 22, 1999 10:08 AM
The Centaur Type Starship seen here
is actually a Wambandu Class Starship. This class of starship includes the Drake and The Fleming. This theory is compiled the design features and registry numbers.
Please prove or disprove this theory, and tell why you have sided
posted March 22, 1999 10:35 AM
The Centaur could be anything, especially since we don't know its registry. It could have been introduced right after the Excelsior or shortly before the Dominion War or at any other time.
------------------ Blitzwing: "If I want to know what's on your mind, I'll splatter it on the wall and see for myself!"
[This message was edited by The Shadow on March 22, 1999.]
posted March 22, 1999 01:10 PM
I don't think that the U.S.S. Centaur is Wambundu-class for these reasons: 1. The U.S.S. Fleming was a medical transport, so it is highly unlikely that the Centaur is of the same class, unless Starfleet fitted this class with extra weaponry for use in the war. 2. The Centaur could be part of any one of the classes of ships we have never seen on any episodes or movies, or it could be a new class.
The following is a list of possible classes for the Centaur, based on the design style -Apollo -Hokule'a -Istanbul -Surak -Wambundu
I have based this list on the design style of the Centaur and the registries of the ships in the classes, assuming that the class the Centaur belongs to is a fairly old class.
------------------ "They must thinks there's still Romulans on board!" "They're right!!"
[This message was edited by Fabrux on March 22, 1999.]
posted March 22, 1999 01:25 PM
The Deep Space Nine Technical Manual includes this ship among those hastily constructed for the Dominion War, those ships sometimes given no registries nor names. Given this description, I would hesitate to believe this ship--when launched--had any class label at all.
It is possible that this ship includes the major assembly of a named class, and it is possible that assembly may be from a Wambundu-class starship, but it's just as possible the majority of the assembly could have been taken from a previously unknown class or that the ship is actually taken from reassembled Excelsior saucer, Miranda roll bar, Excelsior nacelles, and Constellation saucer bumps (that last being less than serious.)
All evidence indicates a scrap yard mesh of two or more starships, a hybrid with remote ties to any vessel described before the war.
posted March 22, 1999 08:12 PM
The only registry I have seen for the Centaur is the 4xxxx of the conversion kit.
Personally I don't believe in the "hastily assembled" theory in the DS9TM. I won't repeat my arguments again, but why do the authors need such an explanation? Why can't the Centaur just be a Wambundu class or rather one of the other mentioned but useen classes?
Possible candidates: Hokule'a, Mediterranean, Merced, Surak
Apollo? There are already two other theories for this class.
posted March 22, 1999 09:36 PM
Wambunda is certainly possible for the Centaur. Whilst the Fleming was a medical transport the Drake was a Light Cruiser and the Centaur design could easily be a Light Cruiser. I'd prefer a Frigate or Destroyer designation myself.
posted March 23, 1999 01:59 AM
In the Sacrifice of Angels, Captain Sisko refers to destroyers on the Federation side. Captain Charlie Reynolds is mentioned in that context. Can anyone find the reference and add he or she's comments to what Captain Sisko means?
IP: Logged
posted March 23, 1999 02:03 AM
BTW, the USS Constantinople-an Istanbul Class starship-is said to be able to hold more than 2000 individuals. The USS Centaur appears too small to hold that many. On two other websites, I have seen the registry of the USS Centaur be NCC-39412 and the class be Lavenworth.
IP: Logged
posted March 23, 1999 02:32 AM
The Leavenworth class is from Jackill's Volume 3. It is a Frigate version of the Excelsior and has a few similarities with the USS Centaur but isn't really very much like it - the Centaur is sleeker looking.
I don't like the Leavenworth much. I do like the Heavy Frigate equivalent, the Joshua Paul class, but that looks even less like the Centaur.
Chinese Canadian, or 75% Commie Bastard.
Member # 33
posted March 23, 1999 12:24 PM
Re: Centaur being Wambundu class and some guy saying that the Fleming was a Medical Transport.
The Miranda was perhaps designed as an all purpose ship, for science missions, battle, and perhaps as a medical transport. Why not have something similar to the Miranda in that sense?
------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
posted March 23, 1999 01:31 PM
Well, the Apollo class was seen in "Unification II", so it isn't that...
As for the theory that SF has been kitbashing w/ their damaged ships... First off, it would probably be more trouble that it's worth to get the parts to go together and work right. Secondly, the Centaur and Curry were both kitbashed from models at different scales, making the Miranda pieces much larger (in comparison to the Ex. parts) than they would be if the ships had been Frankensteined from damaged ships.
------------------ "You're a looney." -Graham Chapman, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
posted March 23, 1999 08:01 PM
The torpedo pod of the Miranda not being a very noticeable part, it could be a larger version on the Centaur model.
I'm still not sure about the Curry nacelles. The screenshots suggest a size in between the Ertl Miranda and the size in scale with the Excelsior. Of course, I like the latter theory much more, although I don't know how they did it.
posted March 23, 1999 10:47 PM
"Well, the Apollo class was seen in "Unification II", so it isn't that..."
Well, maybe, maybe not. This is under debate again on and the conclusion so far is that there's no actual evidence that the ships seen at the end are Apollo class. We don't actually know that the T'Pau is one of them. That info comes from the Encyclopedia and therefore isn't canon. Remember that at least the deflector array of the T'Pau turned up in wreckage earlier in the story....
posted March 24, 1999 12:10 AM
"That info comes from the Encyclopedia and therefore isn't canon."
If the Encyclopedia is not canon, then at least half of our commonly agreed class names and registries are not canon, for they have never explicitly been mentioned or shown in the series.