just made by the Presbyterian Church
Member # 256
Hmm... the first two numbers are open to debate... the last two definitely are 0 and 1, but I would not call the first two "cristal clear". This has to be an OLD Excelsior...
------------------ "Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"
I would say the first one is a 4, the second hm... a 8 (??), the third a 9 (??) and the fourth a 1. I think only the first and last one are clear.... if you can call that clear.
------------------ This is how i prefer the borg... in pieces!!! -- Janeway in Dark Frontier
To me it looks like 4201 or 4281, but it's not very clear.
------------------ If anyone has a Star wars action fleet E-wing starfighter or Tie defender toy they want to sell, please E-mail me at [email protected]
It's NCC-42111. If you look at the first two digits, and then look at what you think is a Zero, the Zero is WAY too thin. Then notice the tops and bottoms of the Zero. They are thinner then the sides. Why? Well, because those are hull lines, not paint for the number. Also, the name still looks long enough to be Fredrickson again.
Also, anyone notice how unusually thick the "lip" of the saucer is?
------------------ Me: "Why don't you live in Hong Kong?" Rachel Roberts: "Hong Kong? Nah. Oh, but we can live in China! Yeah, China has great Chinese food!"
I think your right, BTW is it my imagination or are those windows on the upper hull? I don't remember any other excelsior having them. (Just hit me if I'm wrong, it happens all the time )
------------------ Cluck cluck jibber jibber, my old man's a mushroom etc.
I don't think they're windows... the ship is ??under construction?? (or possibly being rebuilt)
Also that isn't 111 its two numbers... I guess I'll have to try and scan it again, but the last number is further apart than the 3rd and 2nd last digits...
P.S. Does anyone know what this ship's name is supposed to be?? What was that NCC 42111 supposed to be called?
The name has a little blurry bit at the start and then a gap - the USS part.
then it seems to have an 'A' at the start and maybe at the end... (they have pointy tops)
[This message has been edited by AndrewR (edited October 08, 2000).]
The spacing is not off. There's a hull line running between the first two 1s, right up against the first 1, making the space between them look smaller.
------------------ "If the rope is a quarter of a Zeuslength in size, then the Defiant shalt most naturally be seven times the thirty-second part of a Zeuslength?" -Boris Skrbic, 27-Sep-2000
A suggestion Let's reconstruct the ship and attempt various ship registries. An explanation Remove the registry and name. Trace the hull lines and other hull features on the primary hull. Then try each registry. This may give an answer. Am I clear?