quote:Originally posted by TSN: In this picture, I can only see a white outline around the E-C's registry.
Yes, the white outline is there as well, but I'm maintaining that the outline beyond that is red. If it were black it would show up as dark as the main number. The fact that the outline beyond white is so hard to see is because red is not as strong a color (and most Ambassador Class photos are poor quality). If you look at the "USS Enterprise" on the hull in that pic, there's a red tint overall to the outline of those letters.
Registered: Nov 2002
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quote:Originally posted by Harry: A few odd fonts from TWOK: - Kobayashi data - Unknown. I searched for this one before. It's strangely familiar, but nothing I found looks like it.
This one isn't exactly a font as we know it. It was used in early CAD and CG programs, and it's basically just lines and curves (if there are any true curves in it) being used to literally draw the letters. It looks to me like the animation is being drawn on a vector display.
The "Pro" version of Amarillo has all the proper letters. The shareware version circulating as freeware doesn't. http://www.tlai.com/med_des/ausafpro.html I paid and downloaded Pro. Works very nicely!
-------------------- When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum
Registered: Oct 1999
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Uh.... what? There should be around 22. 7 of them are from the Marketing and Logotype folder, and 15 of them from the Ships and Displays folder.
Alternate Gothic No.2 AT.ttf AmarilloUSAF.ttf Bank Gothic AT Medium.ttf Compacta Lt AT.ttf Courier New.ttf EurostileLTStd.otf Futura Md AT.ttf FuturaStd-Heavy.otf Garamond3LTStd.otf Machine-Light.ttf MicrogrammaDEEBolExt.ttf MicrogrammaDMedExt.ttf OCR A Extended.TTF Starfleet Bold Extended BT.ttf Swiss 721 AT.ttf FederationTNGTitle.ttf Serpentine Bold.ttf Star Trek BT.ttf Star Trek Film BT.ttf Star Trek Gen Heavy BT.ttf Trek DS9 Hollow.ttf Trek Generation 2.ttf
Registered: Aug 1999
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