Along with a new version of my extensive and detailed table of the positions of the real stars mentioned in Star Trek, I've also created a three-dimensional view in VRML 1.0 of the stars for the first time, based on the relative x, y coordinates of the stars (calculated with the galactic longitude and the plane distance) and their z-coordinates (calculated by the galactic latitude and the real distance). It's pretty impressive, because you can now virtually go where no one has gone before ... I have tested it with the good ol' Netscape 3.0 Live 3D plugin. Please tell me if you have (no) problems in viewing, especially with VRML 2.0 viewers.
------------------ Please visit the Star Trek Dimension - Tu pense que c'est publicit� illicitee? �a m'est �gal!
[This message has been edited by Fabrux (edited December 13, 1999).]