------------------ Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges." Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!" -Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Necromancer: human skulls are more domed than you portray in your pictures. Try tracing a skull over the picture above and you'll see that the facial structure is outsized compared to the rest of the skull. I don't think the face is too big, but the skull looks rather small by comparison. On the other hand, if the small-skulled look is what you're going for, never mind .
------------------ "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." -- William Pitt Come Hither and Yawn...
Her mouth and lips are pretty distinctive too. She doesn't pout very often, she's more strict and proper, according to standard borg procedures.
But those lucious lips... (mind over matter, hhnngh)