Now we start getting into some interesting bits.
Maya deliberately uses her ability this time.
Sylar kills Betty/Candace/Michelle to get her power, but surprise! It doesn't work; he's completely powerless and can't absorb new ones. For whatever reason.
Peter saves the day by reading Malcom's mind, but no one believes him of course. He opts not to open the box as he's happy where/who he is. He joins their "family" and gets a tattoo... that morphs into the Helix.... A friend of mine posited the theory that Peter absorbed Jesikki's evil persona and that is the new villain Molly is seeing... and I think he might be right.
Uhura is Micah's nana! I wonder if she has a power too.
Noah Bennett abducted West when he was younger and West has nightmares about it. At some point Noah and West are going to meet again... and Claire will get pissed. Is West the shooter in the previously unknown eighth painting showing Noah's death? Maybe. Although I hope that eventually they stop the killer and not everyone in the paintings gets killed. Noah's growing on me now...
Also, for even more spoiler-y goodness, the trailer for next week. A new hero that is a young girl with Matrix-style fighting skills. Sylar & the Ebola Twins get together. More clues to who the villain is.
-------------------- I haul cardboard and cardboard accessories
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Daniel Butler
I'm a Singapore where is my boat
Member # 1689
Beat me to it! And here I thought noone was interested enough to start threads but me anymore.
My jaw just about hit the freaking floor when I saw Nichelle Nichols. That makes three Star Trek stars so far. I swear to God if I see Shatner on this thing I'm going to shoot somebody (And she didn't have a very convincing New Orleans accent, did she?)
I do wonder about HRG (and isn't it nice to hear him called The Man in the Horn-Rimmed Glasses on-air instead of just the graphic novels?) and his so-called death scene. For a second I thought Claire was the shooter until I realized there was a person in front of her - but he could just as easily be holding her back as fighting her or something, couldn't he? Maybe Claire finally finds out just how evil her daddy really is.
And I'm pretty convinced West's flight is the same as Nathan's. We don't see that cool airspike-type ring of vapor as he takes off, but there's no indication the physics are any different (and as an aside, the guy must be truly buff to be able to carry her in that position without dropping her).
And scenes like Candy Turns Fat after she Dies where they've got a fat person in there to be the Ugly Fat Character always make me wonder about the self-esteem of the fat people they hire to play them..
Registered: Jul 2005
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I have a more complicated take on West. He's got the tranq scars. We know the Company doesn't just let people go. The only way they'd let him out is if he was working for them. And setting Claire against her dad and maybe making her run away, and thus make herself vulnerable to the Company, would be on par with their manipulative ways.
I'm not sure if Sylar did kill Candace. She might just be weaving a complicated fantasy to keep him preoccupied. Plus, I want to know why these fucktards keep saving Sylar's life. "Durrrr, he keeps killing the people we try to control him with, but we can do it this time." Idiots.
So... Did D.L. die? Or is he recuperating somewhere, and his death is a fiction so Micah won't know he's still alive for some reason? *heh* God, this show is making me cynical and paranoid.
They're doing a good job of making me wonder whether Hiro or Kensei will become the Kensei of legend. But that storyline is kind of dragging a little.
-------------------- "That's what I like about these high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age."
--David "Woody" Wooderson, Dazed and Confused
Registered: Feb 2001
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Also what's with Sylar's injury. It seems that its more than just a stab wound. Do you think that maybe he no longer has the ability to take other heroes' powers and that perhaps he's 'mutated' to have another power that he has yet to tap?
Registered: Feb 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Peregrinus: So... Did D.L. die? Or is he recuperating somewhere, and his death is a fiction so Micah won't know he's still alive for some reason? *heh* God, this show is making me cynical and paranoid.
Seems as though DL really is dead, which is a bit of a pity. I know he didn't do an awful lot, but sometimes it's nice to have a character that's a bit more down to Earth and isn't being overly cute or flapping a daft fringe out of his face between sentences. But Sylar was in the promo pics despite the fact that we were supposed to have been left guessing if he was still alive, while DL hasn't been in any promo pics, so it doesn't look as though he'll be back.
Oh and I count four major Trek actors so far(Sulu, Uhura, Soran, Reed), as well as a few minor ones(Angela Petrelli's actress played a Klingon who couldn't speak French convincingly).
I haven't found these first three episodes very engaging so far, but next week looks like it'll have a bit more oomf. Last season I was usually interested in all the storylines featured in each episode, but there are three or four storylines so far that I'm not taking any real interest in. The twins remind me of Nikki and Paulo from Lost, a bit of a distraction from the established characters who I actually care about. I can't stand West, so I'm not rooting much for his relationship with Claire, and the less said about the Irish scenes the better. Even Hiro's storyline is disappointingly predictable.
Oh well, hopefully next week we'll get more insight into who was attacking Angela and killed Kaito. And a bit more of the comedy odd couple Matt & Mo wouldn't go a miss.
"We know the Company doesn't just let people go."
Haven't they, in fact, apparently let everyone go except for Sylar and Ted? Who were the only mutants they had intercepted (on screen, anyway) who were really a threat, intentionally or otherwise.
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Daniel Butler
I'm a Singapore where is my boat
Member # 1689
Who did Soran's actor play?
Registered: Jul 2005
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Daniel Butler
I'm a Singapore where is my boat
Member # 1689
I'd squeal like a teenage girl if they got some Stargate actor(s) to do a guest shot. Man oh man, do I love SG in its every incarnation.
Registered: Jul 2005
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WizArtist II
"How can you have a yellow alert in Spacedock? "
Member # 1425
Well, since Lexa Doig has been Rommie on Andromeda and on SG, AND in real life helps Michael"Ascend", why not have her show up with her JASON X & Andromeda co-star Lisa Ryder.
That should make all the fanboys happy.
-------------------- There are 10 types of people in the world...those that understand Binary and those that don't.
Registered: Nov 2004
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Daniel Butler
I'm a Singapore where is my boat
Member # 1689
My ex-girlfriend used to practically faint every time Shanks showed up on screen. Only person I ever knew who thought people who played archaeologists were hot...
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