Optimus is suppossed to belike that. He's wrong, pure and simple. That's how it's being written. Unfortunalty, a lot of fans aren't getting that and are simply assuming that Optimus' position is the "correct" possition according to the writers.
And Krenim, if you're referring to the big floating head remark, d'ya mean Unicron? Because they've gone back and forth as to whether his head should be orbiting Cybertron or not.
Or course, it could be the Qunitessons, but that'd be more "heads" wouldn't it. Or the Vok. But that's a "they".
------------------ "Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."
I think there needs to be some Ultra Magnus is dat der show.
------------------ I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.
And do you mean more Predacons, or more Vehicons? Since at the moment the number of Predacons in Beast Machines totals less than 1, I'd have used the word "some" instead of "More".
Oh, and Megs is no longer a Pred, so don't go there.
------------------ "Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."