Okay, the local PBS station has been showing Red Dwarf, and they got about halfway through season 5. Then they got the season 8 eps, so they showed those. Then they went back to, I guess, where they left off, but there's something odd. The ep they showed this past Sunday (the first one they showed after running season 8) was the one where Rimmer was infected by that holographic virus. The couple of times that they showed the ship, it looked like they had cut out the entire middle and just stuck the front and back ends to each other. Now, the first four-and-a-half seasons had a really long ship. The eighth season had a really long ship. So why did this ep have such a short one?
Oh, and can someone fill me on how Kochanski got to be there (whenever that happened), and why the ship had to be rebuilt by nanites (mentioned at beginning of season 8), since I never saw those eps?
------------------ "I fart in your general direction!" -John Cleese, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[This message was edited by TSN on March 30, 1999.]
OK, the ship you saw, i assume you're talking about the red dwarf, in season 1-4 and season 8 (the long version) is the CGI version, new to season 8 and new for you're 1-4 - cause they re-did all the season 1-4 effects, using a CGI red dwarf, and the season 5 episode you saw (with mr flibble ) is a model.
they also took out a few of the jokes in the redone seasons 1-4 for effects, which I think sucks, plus I liked the old red dwarf - not the new fangled season 8 CGI version, also Kochanski that you see sporadically in seasons 1-6 is C.P. Grogan, a different actress from Clo� Annette, who came through a dimension rift in mid season 7
the nano's stole red dwarf before start of season 6 (but we don't find that out until the end of season 7) cause season 6 and 7 are on the starbug.
Andrew -- Smoke me a kipper, i'll be back for breakfast...
------------------ Alamaraine, count to four...
[This message was edited by AndrewR on March 30, 1999.]
The short ship (well, short for 5 miles) was the original model. It was used for the first 5 seasons, then blown up (for real) in Demons and Angels. RD itself wasn't in seasons 6 or 7 (bar the end). At some point last year, the BBC deceided to remake the early episodes (seasons 1-3 so far) to add some SFX and fix some mistakes. (also to make the epidoes visually more similar to make them more appealable to the American market). To do new space shots they built a new model of Red Dwarf, which was much longer (still 5 miles though). This was also the model used in season 8. Since they haven't redone (remastered) seasons 4 or 5, they still have the original model (which most UK fans prefer). And they also look like they were shot on video (they were) whereas season 1-3 have been digitally altered to look more like film. Seasons 1 and 2 also originall yhad a different opening. Lister painting the sid eof the ship, the pull back, the solo trumpet, but the music stayed ominious, big organ version, depressing. It was excellent. season 3 introduced the guitar version. Seasons 1-3 now have a mixed version of both themes, while seasons 4-8 just use the fast-paced rock version version.
Kockanski is actually a parallel dimension kockanski introduced in s7 after Rimmer left. (which is why she looks like Chloe Annet instead of Clair grogan, and doesn't have a Scottish accent).
The ship dissappeared at the beginning of s6, apparently stolen. At the end of s7, is turned out that Kryten's nano-bots had stolen it and shrunk it to the size of a nanometre. They then returned it. Although I think s8 has said taht it was Holly who actually made some new nano-bots and built an entirely NEW Red Dwarf. I'm not sure.
That explains why Rimmer is on it, since he isn't dead, he's the original before he died. It doesn't explain though why Lister of Kockanski haven't been ressurected though. (The originals)
The ep you're talking about is Quarantine BTW, season 5.
Unless they've redone them, onyle s1-3 had a long ship, not 4 and a half. You're obviosly mad young man. So says Mr Flibble, King of the Potato people.
(my field of expertise ladies and gentlemen. And I beat DT)
[This message was edited by PsyLiam on March 30, 1999.]
BTW, the new Red Dwarf isn't CGI-ed. It's a physical model. Although a good few of the Starbug and almost all the Blue Midget shots are now CGI-ed. They're just being forced to use lower quality film.
Andrew's answer may have been shorter, but mine was full of choclatey goodness.
------------------ 'It's okay to only know three chords but God, put them in the right order' -Hank Hill
Well, before this week, I had seen almost all of seasons one through half of five, and I had never seen the short ship until "Quarantine".
And I wondered, too, why Kochanski hadn't been resurrected. I figured that the one they had must've been the original. But, if that's not true, then it is strange... However, the reason Lister wasn't resurrected is probably because he never died... ;-)
BTW, I think I prefer the new Kochanski to the old one... :-)
------------------ "I'll bite your legs off!" -Terry Gilliam, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
I like the Season 1/2 music opening I like the old Red Dwarf (not the new sleeker one) I like the old Kochanski (C.P. Grogan) although Clo� Annette is pretty good
I like Holly Female (but Holly Male is close behind) I like the original unremasted episodes I like the old skutters although there's not much difference...
I've only heard the one theme song, so I don't know about that.
The male Holly is definitely better than the female one.
I like the longer ship. When I saw the short one, my first thought was "What the hell is that stubby little thing?!"
I didn't know there was any difference in the scutters, either. And which way is it spelled? I always assumed it was w/ a 'c', and I think it looks better that way... :-)
------------------ "I'll bite your legs off!" -John Cleese, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
------------------ "The record of my unspeakable crimes, in previous lives, in previous times, indelibly stains the pages of history." -- They Might Be Giants
The First One
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed
Member # 35
The skutters are new models but the same design, constructed to be a bit more versatile as props. The design, as I say, is essentially the same - the bodies are construction hardhats!
And I'm still deciding on the new direction of RD. As for Kochanski, I'd have though Grogan might have got annoying after a while (although I didn't mind her when she was on Eastenders) - Annett seems a bit vague, sometimes, however. . .
------------------ "I am greater than the stars for I know that they are up there and they do not know that I am down here." - William Temple
In Season 8 when they resurrected the crew, why didn't the nanos resurrected the Kochanski of that universe also
Registered: Mar 1999
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Well, because it was actually Holly who created thses nano-bots (if I followed In The Red, which wasn't easy), and go them to recreate RD and the crew, so maybe he told them to leave out Krissy and Lister.
------------------ 'Saying it in a stacato voice doesn't make it any more true' -Stewart Lee