The following comes from the Westfield ( - where I get ALL my comics and games & stuff - Audio & Video order list for October 1999 (stuff that ships from publishers in September):>"UNOFFICIAL GUIDE TO TRANSFORMERS: 1980S THROUGH 1990S TPB -(Jos� E. Alvarez)
Presenting the history of the "robots in disguise" from the early Diaclone, Diacrone, and Micronauts of Japan to the American Hasbro creation of Transformers, Transmetals, and Fuzors in the late 90s. An unauthorized, but ground-breaking look at these wonderful, changeable plastic toys. Over 500 color
photographs. 160 pp. Cover price $29.95"
Also: Transformers the movie, and Vols. 1,2,&3 of the US TV show. (2 eps per Vol.) about $8.50 each.
Just in case anybody's interested.
"When we turn our back on our principles, we stop being human." -- Janeway, "Equinox"