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Author Topic: SGA "Home" ($$$)
Mark Nguyen
I'm a daddy now!
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They told us, they TOLD us..! [Razz]

Notes follow.


-Nope, they don't get home. Not that we were really expecting it, but I was banking on the outside shot that they'd find a way home and back, albeit not a regular one.

-They *did* find a way home and back, though - using charged particles in the atmosphere of a moon to power its gate, which is essentially a big superconductor. It could supercharge the gate and allow a wormhole to be connected to Earth. As for the way back, McKay determines that all they have to do is get enough energy from the ZPM they still have to connect back to that moon, which will then draw power fron the atmosphere to sustain it. He may have been in the dreamworld when he thought this up, but the theory was probably sound.

-Regarding that, of COURSE the energy mist on the moon was an intelligent life form, so of COURSE they can't gate to Earth without killing millions of 'em. Ah well.

-Still, we see the fundamental difference with a more Voyager-esque plot: the Atlantis team may be homesick, but they WANT to be there. No one on the team was willing to go to Earth without knowing they could get back to Atlantis.

-Oddly, this is the first time in the series that they've even mentioned Prometheus, the Asgard or the Goa'uld. Strangely, they gave no backstory to the names - any SG-1 fan would know what they're talking about, but a new fan (though rare at this point) wouldn't understand what these names meant.

-Damn, is Lt. Ford even IN this show? Francks is doing a wonderful job with what he's been given, but still... In any case, we're given a tidbit with regards to the Atlantis team's cover story: at least for the military contingent, they were given cover assignments in Afghanistan or something.

-Other interesting tidbits about the dreamworld: McKay and Weir leave the base in their Atlantis duds, and McKay even wears his Atlantis / Canada insignia; McKay turns on the TV to an episode of "The Outer Limits" (hint, nudge); and Hammond (still a two-star BTW) was in charge of the SGC without explanation.

-I want a T-shirt that says "I'm With Genius". I was also laughing out loud when McKay comes home after many months, checks his messages, and has none. [Smile]

-I think this is the first time we actually hear the Chevron Guy's last name. So, now it's officially Sgt. Walter Harriman!

-I only saw a low-qual download, but I think they've changed the Atlantis wormhole effect - looks better IMO.


[ September 11, 2004, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Mark Nguyen ]

"This is my timey-wimey detector. Goes ding when there's stuff." - Doctor Who
The 404s - Improv Comedy | Mark's Starship Bridge Designs | Anime Alberta

Registered: Dec 2000  |  IP: Logged
Mark Nguyen
I'm a daddy now!
Member # 469

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Additional: they establish WHY Atlantis is the only gate that can dial back to the Milky Way - their gate's DHD is the only one with the necessary control crystal to unlock the eighth chevron with enough power. Shepperd believes it might be a security function. Anyway, McKay hotwires it into the other gate's DHD to allow them to gate home.

Now, this shows that it's not the GATE that's the problem, it's the DHD. BUT, they didn't know about it before, so the Milky Way gates may not have this added feature. Still, someone might eventually be able to come up with it, reducing its strategic importance. But who knows...


"This is my timey-wimey detector. Goes ding when there's stuff." - Doctor Who
The 404s - Improv Comedy | Mark's Starship Bridge Designs | Anime Alberta

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Living the Geeky Dream
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-Oddly, this is the first time in the series that they've even mentioned Prometheus, the Asgard or the Goa'uld. Strangely, they gave no backstory to the names - any SG-1 fan would know what they're talking about, but a new fan (though rare at this point) wouldn't understand what these names meant.
Yeah, I had to pause the tape and explain to my folks what the Prometheus was...

Was anyone else extraordinarily pissed at watching the official promo for this episode? They actually SHOWED a brief shot of some of the characters disappearing in the energy-wave/holodeck-type effect, which completely gave away to any true sci-fi fan that their entire encounter wasn't real. That effectively ruined the story for me. I've got to stop watching the promos for the episodes... [Mad]

“Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” — Isaac Asimov
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I'm suprised that Weir's first question was "What happened to O'Neill?" That should have been her first clue.

Teyla seemed a bit, well, airheaded in this episode.

MM, I agree with you on the promos. They give too much away these days. And not just with SG, they do it with just about any show.


Registered: Jul 2002  |  IP: Logged
Mark Nguyen
I'm a daddy now!
Member # 469

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My rationalization is that they were under the influence of the aliens by that point anyway; they just tweaked the gang's mind into not asking.

Or, also likely, they just didn't show the part on the radio when Walter said "Oh, BTW - General O'Neil is offworld with SG-1 at the moment. General Hammond from Homeworld Security is in temporary command". It's in the same cut scene where they probably dreamed up terminating the gate, dialling Atlantis, and telling the rest of the expidition they'd be missing for a few weeks before Prometheus brought them back...


"This is my timey-wimey detector. Goes ding when there's stuff." - Doctor Who
The 404s - Improv Comedy | Mark's Starship Bridge Designs | Anime Alberta

Registered: Dec 2000  |  IP: Logged
I'm... from Earth.
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"It's in the same cut scene where they probably dreamed up terminating the gate, dialling Atlantis, and telling the rest of the expidition they'd be missing for a few weeks before Prometheus brought them back..."

I wondered about that, too. Except, there was one comment that suggested that Weir thought Sheppard had stayed behind. So, I suspect the aliens made each member of the team believe that someone else had stayed behind to contact Atlantis.

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged

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