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» Flare Sci-Fi Forums » Sci-Fi » General Sci-Fi » SG1 "Full Alert" (Spoilers)

Author Topic: SG1 "Full Alert" (Spoilers)
Mark Nguyen
I'm a daddy now!
Member # 469

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Not a bad epsiode, but it does open up new story possibilities with an unknown of new Goa'uld running around - on Earth! The four-person team is in good form this time around too, with O'Neill and Carter minding the fort (and a tense political situation therein) while Teal'c and Daniel are in the field and in space.

- The episode opens with a rather cliche "the fate of the planet depends on it" line from Kinsey. And O'Neill listens to him? He might be getting soft in that chair.

- O'Neill's given Teal'C the keys before, but I think this is the first time we've really seen him DRIVING.

-The tudor house that the Trust ends up at has been seen as a million different things in Vancouver productions over the years. I think it was also Seth's old compound, among places in SG-1. The upstairs part of the house has been used before as a Russian office building, and is again here.

- The Trust have been taken over by the Goa'uld (no mention of whom they serve, but it's not Baal). Oddly, one of them either took up or maintained his host's propensity for smoking cigars... Apparently this was caused after the remaining Trust memebers took the Al'kesh away from Earth to escape back in "Endgame". While out there, they were captured by someone, infested, and sent back with enough symbiotes to take over the rest of the Trust and start moving up from there. They want to manipulate the Earth governments into war, so they can come back in and capture the Ancient weapon in Antarctica.

- Carter has figured out a way to detect Osiris' Al'kesh through its cloak, though this is because they had pre-existing, unique sensor readings from previous scans to use.

- Kinsey gets Goa'ulded - essentially, turned into the thing he hates the most. Curiously, the Goa'uld still goes on about how they're Gods... He must be a relatively young parasite.

- Escaping from the Prometheus *is* pretty easy, after all. Vala did it, the Goa'ulded Kinsey did it... And it's kind of neat that Prometheus has both Asgard and ring transporters.

- Where'd Kinsey go? Presumably back to Earth, but you'd think Pendergast and his crew would have noticed the ring transporter beam... But he could certainly show up again. What will Kensey's wife say?


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We've seen T driving before... I think at least once was in that other Trust episode where T get's his own apartment.

Seeing as they want that ancient weapon, they maybe Goa'uld serving the three from earlier in the season (yes even Camulus).

Why doesn't someone put a LOCK on the Ring Transport room!?!

And doesn't the ring transport require a matching set of rings on the ground?

A few suggestions as to where KinseyGoa'uld might have gone...

1. The Trust's compound perhaps.
2. Antarctic Base (remember from "The Lost City" they drilled down to use the transport rings or used the rings to drill as well?)
3. Seth's old compound?
4. An unseen ring transport base in Egypt from many moons ago!?!
5. Area51 if they have a set of rings to study etc?
6. Where ever the matching pair for the rings onboard the Prometheus are?

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I'm LIZZING! - Liz Lemon (30 Rock)

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As I recall the ep, Kinsey ringed to the Al'kesh, and that was the last time we saw him. That ship had Asgard transporters, so he could be literally anywhere on Earth.

"This is why you people think I'm so unknowable. You don't listen!"
- God, "God, the Devil and Bob"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged

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