I've found myself pondering about Cain's sexuality. I don't think it's just because she's a woman in a position of power, there seems to be more to it that that, unless it's just my imagination. She's shown disdain for men and women alike, but also - crucially - for the institution of family. But when she goes on about Gina, it seems there's a lot of hatred there. I mean, gosh, the very effrontery, a Cylon in her crew, and eating their food as well! I wonder if that's all Gina's been munching on, if you catch my drift. And then to do one of those handy CSI-zoom-in-and-enhance things and see the Resurrection Ship is full of more Ginas (/Shellies/Sixes). . . It would explain a lot about her psychology, if she found out her girlfriend was a Cylon. The Six model does seem intended for seduction, and a fleet commander would be a tasty prize. . . We've never found out how they exposed Gina, have we?
Weird, and yet I did read someone on Usenet report that they thought the Starbuck promotion scene was going to end in a kiss. I don't see it, myself, and I'd be worried about the symbology, were that the case. I mean, what with DS9 employing "lesbian" as convenient signifier for evil and twisted. Like, not only is Cain a rebel against the laws of man, but God's as well! That sort of thing. Not that I don't have confidence in the show to tread murky waters. (Or that I think DS9 was intending such a message.)
Registered: Mar 1999
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"Also, even though Adama had that big speech about the military protecting the civilians and police and whatever, we have yet to see any instance of civilian police."
Well, why should we have? How often do we actually see what's going on on the civilian ships? Plus, whatever force they may be assembling is probably still training. We may be halfway through the second season, but it hasn't been a year-and-a-half yet in their time. How long have the events of the show lasted so far? A few months, maybe?
Registered: Mar 1999
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I don't think the intention is to suggest that lesbian = evil + insane + twisted. In fact more than likely they're downplaying any suggestions to avoid any such controversy.
But it's obvious that Cain is more than just ruthless, she's loopy. But she can't just be loopy for the sake of being loopy - Moore wouldn't write it as such, and Forbes wouldn't play her as such - there has to be a reason for her madness.
How long has it been since, the end of the previous Cylon war, again? Because unless she's just aged a whole lot better than Adama, there's a chance that Cain never even saw proper combat against Cylons before the start of the current war. In other words she's a peacetime soldier, and has risen to high command not through any particular combat ability. That could be significant as well. I'm not ruling out any possibility of her having some privileged status within Colonial society that we don't know about, after all we know that being married to the right person can get a demobbed soldier back on the active duty list - but in a peacetime Colonial fleet would knowing the right people or having the right family help you get promotions? Probably. So (to summarise) Cain's madness may (partly) stem from being way out of her depth.
Forbes is 39, Olmos is 59. I don't think they've mentioned Adama's age, but 59 just about works, though in the U.S. today the average age for enlisted pilots is 29, and for officers 35, according to the U.S. Air Force. (IMDb doesn't have a birthdate for the actor who plays Tigh.)
Looking at it again, however, reveals that that page isn't talking about just pilots, but the average age for the whole service. So, I don't know.
Registered: Mar 1999
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DS-9 also displayed a lesbian situation in a non-evil/psycho way between Jadzia and Lenara Kahn. I got the impression from the Mirror Mirror Kira (and Ezri) that these were people who blatantly gave in to their own lusts and desires as if it was air or water.
Plus, it was the ratings/shock value/titilation of the whole girls kissing girls for the viewers sake.
Registered: Feb 2004
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I may be misremembering (it's been a while since I last saw the mini-series) but I think they (Mr Public Relations Cylon) mentioned that Galactica was built during the early days of the Cylon war and that it was to be decommissioned on it's 75th anniversery.
So if indeed it ended 40 years ago then would that mean that the war lasted some 35 odd years.
I notice that unlike the old series, they're not playing up Cain's status as a Legend, so I tend to agree that this Cain is inexperianced and way out of her depth. That alone could explain why she's lost perspective. If you think about it, anoyone who makes Admiral at such a young age probably got there through intellegence, proficiency in games & theory and a lot of burning ambition. As for combat experiance, the worst she's probably faced are the likes of Zarak's terrorist/freedom fighter dissidents and the odd criminal (pirates, smugglers, hijackers).
As for the supposed lesbian angle, I see it as a possibility, but not a necessary element. As has been mentioned already it's not a good idea to paint every woman in power as a dyke. Ignoring political correctness, it dose the idea of a strong woman something of a diservice to say that they're probably not straight. To me a nastier way to create a personal link between Cain & Six would be if her XO (the one she supposedly shot) was her lover and that he cheated on her with Six, who'd obviously be (pardon the crude pun) pumping him for intel. It'd account for her particular bitterness towards six, her willingless to let the crew use her for sport and give her an alterior and very personal reason for pluging her First Officer between the eyes...but that's just me.