I knew, I knew, I KNEW that at some point I'd have to deal with the image of Jack being endlessly tortured by the Chinese for an entire Summer. And they've finally done it to me.
So... ok. I saw the transmitter hidden in the pen coming as soon as Jack got all quivery about shooting the President. What I don't get is how Jack wasn't in Police custody at the end. The SWAT team was just treating his injuries and he was free to go. Yah, the Attorney General just heard damning evidence against the President, but noone else had. And Jack still kidnapped the guy, an action which was never authorized by anyone. Did I miss something, or was this just really bad writing? I think I would have bought it more if the Chinese guys had busted him out of Police custody only to gas him. Of course, then we wouldn't have had the "maybe this will be a happy ending" build-up with Audrey.
The very last scene with Jack being brought into the hold and then the camera panning out to show the ship bound for Shanghai was good though. They said the new season starts in January, and Sutherland is apparently signed on, so my question is, how will they get him back to the States and recovered enough from the fun he's about to have in time to have a day's worth of adventures in Los Angeles?
Does anyone here still watch 24, or will I just get blank stares for still being on board?
A few months ago, I waved around the theory to some people that everything would be solved in the last episode, but then suddenly Jack would be captured by the Chinese. I didn't think the ending would actually unfold as I predicted! It was good that they downplayed the Chinese angle throughout the season, only hinting at it maybe twice.