I guess this could only loosely be called a sci-fi movie... but hey... I'm bored.
I didn't like this one as much as the second one. Once again the focus soley on Ethan was a little bit disappointing, but in a different way than the first one. The movie starts out with the tension and fear surrounding Ethan's wife being tortured, and that's really what I felt like the whole movie was about.
I could never get into the rest of the plot because in the back of my head I'm thinking, "Crap... his cute little wife is going to get tortured again in a little bit."
I thought the break-in to the Vatican and the kidnapping of the bad-guy was cool. Breaking the agent out of the factory was pretty good too. But the whole "traitor within one of the nation's most top-secret organizations" routine is getting a little old. It's not even the first time the M:I movies have done it. Yah, yah... it's not who we thought it was. Yawn.