There's a triangle one. A bigger triangle one, and a bigger triangle one.
------------------ "Instructed by history and reflection, Julian was persuaded that, if the diseases of the body may sometimes be cured by salutary violence, neither steel nor fire can eradicate the erroneous opinions of the mind."
-Edward Gibbons, The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire.
Well, there are the old Victory Class Star Destroyers, which have fins on the sides of the ship. The Fins are shaped likea x in the X-Wing games, but are folded into a wedge in WEG and other sources. There's also supposedly 2 variants of Victory Class, a type I and type II.
Then there's the Imperial or Imperator Class Star Destroyer, There are 2 possibly 3 variants of this one. Type I are usually shown with a white engine, such as the Devestator in ANH, but Type II ones have Blue engine exhaust, as in ROTJ. There's also supposedly a Type III with some tiny difference that i can't tell.
Then there's the Super or Executor Class Star Destroyer. Sizes on this vary from source to source. Ranging from 5 miles to a whole lot bigger.
Then there's a Eclipse Class Super Star Destroyer, which is even bigger, don't have the numbers on this one either. This is not in the original trilogy
Then there's a Sovereign Class SuperStar Destroyer from the comics. This one is pretty much supposed to be a slightly scaled down version of the Eclipse.
Then there's supposedly a really old Republic Class Star Destroyer. Don't know exactly what it looks like though.
------------------ "You put the geeks on the left and the stalkers on the right and you run for daylight up the middle" - William Shatner, discussing a Star Trek Convention on EW-
[This message has been edited by USS Vanguard (edited March 24, 2001).]
------------------ "You put the geeks on the left and the stalkers on the right and you run for daylight up the middle" - William Shatner, discussing a Star Trek Convention on EW-
Yes, I usually go with the Tech-Comments as well. The eclipse is said to be only, like, 8/10's of the Executor, but far wider and deeper, making for much more mass. It's got a small superlaser as well.
Then there's the Sovereign-class. This is my favourite of the postMovies-invented apocrypha-ships. Also has a superlaser mounted along the spine, but looks beter than the Eclipse, IMO.
And we forgot the lovely Interdictor/Immobilizer, with its Gravity Well Projectors. This is my favourite vessel of the original ISDs. Because it's the smallest SD (~600m) it must be so manouverable and fast. It sure was in the games...
There's a Interdictor variant, mentioned in the SWTC up there, that has had the gravity-spheres removed and many gun-towers installed instead. Man I'd like to see a rendering of that...
hmm, i never really considered the interdictor a star destroyer, just a generic "dagger-shaped" imperial ship. If ALL Dagger shaped ships are "star destroyers" then there's also the Vengeance, Dark Jedi Jerec's ship.
------------------ "You put the geeks on the left and the stalkers on the right and you run for daylight up the middle" - William Shatner, discussing a Star Trek Convention on EW-
Well the design and placement of basic elements is the same as the other designs. It's actually hard to tell them apart when you're in a furball...
Cmptr: Alpha One, disable that interdictor so the freighters can hyperspace to safety! Me: Allright, allright, I'm working on it! Oh no, it's not this one, it's that other one! *freighters explode spontaneously* DAMN! Repeat mission! (Well, this was about six years ago...)
Jerec's ship is also a Sienar Fleet Systems design, yes. And a nice one at that, with a not-so-conventional tower module. Good one, Vannie!
Omega, i wouldn't go by what they call the ships in the SW universe. After all, the Star "Destroyer" should probably be a Battleship or Carrier instead of "Destroyer" judging by the huge size.
------------------ "You put the geeks on the left and the stalkers on the right and you run for daylight up the middle" - William Shatner, discussing a Star Trek Convention on EW-
[This message has been edited by USS Vanguard (edited March 24, 2001).]
This is one of the things I'm trying to get the author of the technical commentaries to look at, but he hasn't replied yet.
I never thought of them as destroyers, as compared to cruisers or frigates or whatnot. I always ALWAYS heard it as "destroyer of stars".
The 18km length of the Executor and her ilk is straight from ILM and the filmed material, as the author of the tech commentaries expounds at length. WEG pulled the 8km figure out of their ass.
------------------ "It's obvious I'm dealing with a moron..."
I rewatched "TESB" a week ago, was astonished at how many scenes with the Executor they actually showed! I was very happy! There were so many scenes, the Hoth, the asteroid field, Bespin... No wonder, it probably cost them to build the damn thing, Lucas prolly thought "Now we must use it as much as we can, damnit!"
And Lando calls her "Star destroyer" when warning the crew as they leave Bespin, so it's safe to say that the name is conceived for dramatic effect, not for being a small ship between a corvette and a frigate.