personally, i wish that we had seen the ewoks wiped out by debris from the death star at the end of ROTJ. i hate the ewoks quite a bit. at least they fit into the story somewhat locically, unlike someone else we know and love.
YOu got your wish... sort of. People with waaaay too much time on their hands have analyzed all the visual evidence in RotJ and there's an article on the ecological devastation of Endor in the Technical Commentaries section of
And also, in the second X-Wing book, when certain members of Rogue Squadron are on Coruscant undercover, they hit the Imperial Museum. In the section on the galactic civil war, they find an account of the Battle of Endor. Included in the display are a couple of stuffed examples of "Ewok species -- now extinct".
-------------------- "That's what I like about these high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age."