From the 'Incredible Cross-Sections' SW 1 Edition:
Republic Cruiser (the red ship at the begining): predecessor of the Blockade Runner length: 115 m crew: 8 max. # passengers: 16 2 8-person escape pods 1 special 'salon/escape pod'
Trade Federation: Landing Craft: 370 m wide on board: - AAT's: 114 - MTT's: 11 6 double laser turrets
MTT (Multi Troop Transport): 2 double laser turrets 112 troops length: 31 m heigth: 13 m max ground speed: 35 km/h max lift altitude: 4 m
AAT (Armoured Assault Tank): length: 9,75 m max speed: 55 km/h 1 primairy laser turret 2 twin secondairy turrets 6 energy shell projectile launchers
Droid Starfighter: length: 3,5 m 4 blasters 2 energy torpedo launchers
Droid Control Ship: diameter: 3170 m 2 primairy sublight engines 12 secondairy sublight engines max signal broadcast range: 16500 km 1500 droid starfighters 50 landing crafts 42 quad laser turrets
Queens ship: One of a kind unarmed lenght: 76 m 3 decks hyperdrive class 1.8 max crew: 8 8 astro-utility droids for maintenance/repair
Sith Infliltrator: armed star courier rebuild as a unique infiltrator designed by someone called Sienar (in the SW universe), sounds familiar? cloaking device 2 decks length: 26,5 m crew: 1 max # passengers: 6 6 lasers
------------------ "Okay! No more mister knive guy!"
Yes, there are cloaking devices in the SW universe. It is even mentioned in 'The Empire Strikes Back' when Solo hides the Falcon by clamping to a Star Destroyer.
------------------ "Okay! No more mister knive guy!"
The length of the main Trade Federation ship is about correct compared to the Republic Cruiser, but the Droid Fighters are about 5 or 6 m long, when compared with standard droids:
------------------ "Okay! No more mister knive guy!"
I believe a resounding "duh" is in order. Of course there are cloaking devices in Star Wars. Unfortunately, "no ship that small is equipped with a cloaking device!"
------------------ "Hey Mr. Boo, fly away home. Your house is so lovely, your children so nice." -- Hello (The Band)
Actually, the line was, "no ship that small has a cloaking device," IIRC. Either way, it's open to interpretation. Perhaps he meant that of all the known existing cloaking devices, none were installed on a ship that small. Or something along those lines.
But what that guy didn't know is that they were working on the TIE Phantom around that time, the smallest ship in the SW universe (to my knowledge) to be equiped with a cloaking device.
BTW: I was hoping for someone noticing that Sienar Fleet Systems is the company that designed all the TIE ships, and that the Sith Infiltrator is in fact a TIE predecessor.
One more note on that cloacking device: Because they tend to be very large it is generally presumed that a ship of that size is not equiped with one. About 3/4 of the forward section is used to house the cloaking device in the Infiltrator. The rest of the systems are very small (like in the TIE designs).
------------------ "Okay! No more mister knive guy!"
- Jim West, Wild Wild West
[This message has been edited by Altair (edited August 19, 1999).]
And if you have that book, you'll see that the cloaking device in the Infiltrator is about as big as half the ship, almost the entire forward part of the ship.
------------------ "Okay! No more mister knive guy!"
Actually, I'm going by Timothy Zahn's books, in which a Star Wars cloak renders the ship invisible, but it also renders it completely blind and deaf. Nothing in, nothing out.
------------------ "I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile. I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well." -- Tool
Well, that's not completely useless. If you needed to effect repairs or something, it might help.
------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")