This will obviously be dealing with information from auxilliary sources like books and comics, but I'd like some info on the Sith. When did the first Sith Lords appear and when were they defeated? I assume they were wiped out (almost) by the Jedi since Maul mentions revenge in ep 1.
I understand that at this point, Sith masters only recruit 1 apprentice at a time. I've heard that this is to avoid power struggles. Is this correct.
I'd welcome any interesting info on the Sith whether it covers these topics or not.
------------------ "A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx
As I recall, the Sith weren't exactly defeated by the Jedi because the Sith were always fighting eachother for power and they wiped themselves out more than anything. So the last remaining Sith took up one apprentice and that became a tradition. (I need a spell checker )
[This message has been edited by TLE (edited January 28, 2000).]
Well, a very long time ago, (5993 BBY, IIRC), the Sith were at their peak. Then something happened, and they got wiped out. Then, a couple of millenia after that, Exar Kun dug around in the Sith archives and resurrected them. Then they all fought each other for power. Then they arrived at their present state.
There was originally a Sith Empire, made up of a race of Force-using people called Sith. That Empire was millenia older than the Galactic Republic, and was defeated by the younger power about 5000 years prior to Yavin. One last Sith Lord, Naga Sadow, fled the Republic and went to Yavin 4. There he created the Massassi Race, who built the temples on that moon. Around a thousand years later, a Jedi named Exar Kun turned to the Dark Side. Guided by a dead Sith Lord, he created the Brotherhood of the Sith, made up of Dark Jedi. Along with the Krath led by former Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, they fought the Republic for several years. Then, Qel-Droma turned on Kun and revealed the location of his base. The Jedi and Republic Military assaulted the planet. Kun died, but his spirit lived on, through taking the life energy of every Massassi on the planet.
About 3000 years later, another group of Sith came onto the scene. They were wiped out by the Jedi, but one of there order, Darth Bane, survived. He instituted the "Rule of Two", where only two Sith, a Master and an Apprentice were to exist at any time. After his death, the Sith were basically extinct for 1000 years. At that point, a Senator from Naboo named Cos Palpatine learned of the writings of the Sith. He was a Force strong person, although he was never a Jedi. He recreated the Sith Order, and after many years, was ready to take over. He used his apprentice, an alien named Darth Maul to reveal the presence of the Sith. After Mauls death, Palpatine/Sidious began the process of both taking over the galaxy, and turning a young Jedi named Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. He succeded in both. Skywalker became Darth Vader, and led the Great Jedi Purge.
Skywalker's sun, Luke then went on a quest to redeem his father. After his redemtion, Skywalker killed Palpatine, wiping out the Sith.
Several years later, Luke Skywalker, by then a Jedi Master, established a Praxeum, or Academy at Yavin 4. The presence of Force Strong people in the ancient temples awakened the spirit of Kun, who killed one of them, and turned another to the DarkSide. Kun was then defeated by Luke's trainees, and the Sith were finally wiped out.
------------------ "The Force will be with you, always."-Spirit of Ben Kenobi, ANH
All you need is some poor schmuck wander into the wrong cave, reading the WRONG scrolls, and we're back on track!!! I don't know about more "authentic" Sith, but as long as there is a choice (light/dark side) there will be dark Jedi, even if they have to hide in the bottom of a swamp to keep their meetings, when all the other merry Jedi marches by! Even if I say "Jehova"!!! (I couldn't resist)
------------------ An arboretum? On the Defiant? If you were any other man I would kill you where you stand!
The Sith aren't gone at all. Sidious is still around and Vader became the new Sith apprentice. Unless you mean after Ep 6. As I said, I don't have time to read the books so I'm woefully lost when it comes to events after the movies.
And Nimrod, that joke didn't quite make sense, but "Jehovah" is spelled with an "H" at the end.
------------------ "A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx
Well, I just made a reference to the movie "Life Of Brian" because I had said "even" earlier in the post, there's no other connection than that, I was just in a good mood.
There are quite a few different spelling-variations of Jehova. In my country we spell it without an H in the end, but if I hurt your feelings by not checking with the dictionaries at my disposal, I'm sorry.
No hurt feelings, I had just never seen that name spelled without an H. Later on, I thought it may have been due to the language diference...and I was right. And I still don't really get it. But then I've never seen "The Life of Brian".
------------------ "A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx
*comes back to the forum to bring new life to it, sorta*
As much as I've read so far (about 12 post- Ep 6 books, there are no more Sith, but this is mostly X-Wing books and Thrawn ones, so I could be wrong. Maybe Exar Kun (or however it's spelled) is one, but I've only read the name in passing.
Exar Kun died four thousand years before ROTJ. Although his "spirit" was accidentally revived after Endor but was destroyed shortly after.
I have only seen some screenshot's of him from "Golden Age Of The Sith" I think, but he's absolutely my favourite dark-Jedi. He has none of the drawback's of the other Jedi we've seen: He look's to be about 30-yrs old, he has no 30-pound battle-armor supporting a broken neck, no prosthesises anywere and no "master" telling him what to do all the time. Plus he has the original double-bladed sabre that CAN break in two, by design.
Do you have any pics of his sabre? I'm assuming he has been in comics or something (or was he just in the books). I'd really like to see that sabre!!
------------------ "A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx