Lots of cool stuff and plenty of clues to the until-now nebulous setup to this series. Comments ahead:
- Eli Wallace seems to be the "newcomer" angle into this new show. He's beamed up to a ship and then beamed down to the Icarus Base later on.
- The new ship is presumably the USS George Hammond discussed previously, under command of Colonel Carter.
- The Earth ship takes Eli, Dr. Rush, Chloe Armstong and her dad to the Icarus Base. This is dramatically important because it makes the first voyage through the Stargate in the show to actually gate to Destiny. But on the technical side, this indicates that the gate on the base is probablyg "off the grid" for Dr. Rush to work on the ninth chevron. Thus, needing to take a ship there instead of gating directly.
- The little outcropping they get beamed down to is defended, with one of the railguns we saw on Atlantis and the familiar .50 cal point guns normally flanking the gate of the SGC.
- At least for the trailer, the wormhole effect is the same created for Atlantis and used later on SG-1, but white instead of blue or green. Looks better that way and closer to the color scheme of the original movie effect.
- Carlo Rota is one of the actors seen int he trailer. He's a fairly well known Canadian actor (most recently leading the cast in "Little Mosque on the Prairie" - yeah, you heard me), so he may be one of the more important earlier casualties.
- Icarus Base comes under attack by Goa'uld death gliders and at least one Ha'tak mothership. There are presumably no more System Lords, so either it's a rogue Jaffa group, the Lucian Alliance, or someone else out there who's managed to assemble a force large enough to attack them.
- Apparently the only way off the base is through the stargate, which can go either ONLY to wherever the ninth chevron is supposed to go, or Rush refuses to reset the gate to get back home (or doesn't have the time to do so). In any case, faced with a superior attacking force, it seems that Colonel Young is forced to order everyone through.
- Finally get a decent look at the Destiny, and it's fairly avian in shape with a ton of greeblies. It's growing on me quickly... The size people will have fun with this for a while, too. First guess - 500m?
- They didn't bring space suits with them, but it looks like they'll be able to use some Ancient models they'll find.
I'm genuinely excited by this "new BSG meets Stargate" concept. Consider me officially sold through the pilot episode.
I have to admit, I'm warming up to the show. I liked seeing some of the old SG technology like the 304 and railgun (God RDA looked fat in the opening.
Did anyone else catch the Pagasus Asgard space suit? It looked to be the same, minus the helmet. Most visible at 2:30
Can't say I'm crazy for the music, I hope this doesn't turn into STXI with Kirk listening to the Beastie Boys
Registered: Jul 2006
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I was never able to get into the previous Stargate series, but this one does seem to have a lot of buzz around it. The only thing is that I'm getting Star Trek Voyager vibe, you know them being stranded light years from Earth. But I will definitely check it out.
Registered: Feb 2005
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I'm still on the fence as trailers are a poor measurement of quality. Plus I'm always suspicious of any product that underlines how new, hip and edgy it is. I've seen that approach backfire before.
I'm trying not to make up my mind. But they keep feeding the stereotypes. First it was Stargate: 90210, and now it's going to be Battlestargate: Voyager. We'll see.
-------------------- “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” — Isaac Asimov Star Trek Minutiae | Memory Alpha
Registered: Nov 2000
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If it IS Battlestargate, I won't mind. SG-1 and Atlantis were hardly groundbreaking sci-fi, but they did it RIGHT in my view.
SG-1 was known for taking cliches established ten years previous by the modern Trek franchise and redo-ing them to the fans' satisfaction, often poking fun at it in the process while tackling a similar setup in a different way. Where TNG had "Cause and Effect", SG-1 did "Window of Opportunity". TNG had "The Inner Light", and SG-1 had "A Hundred Days". TNG had the Borg, Klingons and Romulans, and SG-1 had Replicators, Jaffa and... Some paranoid race like the Romulans, and so forth. These ideas have been recycled through science fiction for decades now, and this isn't any different.
So if Stargate wishes to tread the ground already "trailblazed" by a previous series, I say let them! There's a chance to take a similar original concept and make it their own. Fifteen seasons' worth of Stargate doing just that in a sufficiently entertaining fashion has worked for this fan.
OK... well I love the music. I like the idea that Rush is kind of the Dr. Smith character. The trailer had me worried for a second that they didn't start off with a Milky Way Gate... but that seems to be just bad editing.
I didn't see Carlo Rota.
The dialog does seem to suggest that they can only dial the 9-symbol address. Or maybe That's what Rush tells them.
Look like we have a"T'Pol in the Decon chamber" scene.
Love the Star Wars joke.
Yah, I'm definitely looking forward to waiting a year then buying it on DVD.
I couldn't make it to the ending. Hell, I couldn't finish the third season DVDs I bought. I will someday, probably, whatever...
But as I mentioned earlier, Stargate has a pretty good track record of doing stuff that's been done before in a more enjoyable fashion, usually with more tongue-in-cheek humour and fun factor. If this IS the Stargate take on the BSG setup, I know their work will be less serious while maintaining the dire situation they're trying to sell with this trailer.
As long as it's not that idiotic "shakey cam" or the BSG space battles with no sound effects (I know there's no sound in space but it should follow the previous series' standards). I got enough of that ripped-off vibe from the last Trek movie, thanks.
I personally hope it has a personality all it's own and that. as humans should not have colonized everywhere yet, they show a lot of unique and non-humanoid aliens.
Registered: Aug 2002
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It's a bit of a grey area. They used the same atmosphere/explosion sound envelope rational as B5. The only show that I can recall sticking to "no sound in space" was Firefly.
Although even Firefly cheated a little bit in "Serenity". The climactic battle over the planet had sound effects. But the cloud supposedly provided some kind of atmosphere.