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» Flare Sci-Fi Forums » Community » Officers' Lounge » ENTERPRISE isnt trying to get with me, but here's who is... (Page 1)

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Author Topic: ENTERPRISE isnt trying to get with me, but here's who is...
Member # 709

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OK, well I've left a few vague references to things in my rare posts over the past weekend, but you guys are about to get the whole situation report on Captain's love life. Several of you should take this opportunity to leave before reading any further, unless you want to know the details of my life. I hear there's a nice Star Wars forum right up the page...

OK, now recline your chair to a 30 degree angle from up, crack open your favorite canned or boxed beverage as I tell my sad story.

Not sure where to start, but I suppose it started on Thursday. Therefore, the story starts on Tuesday. I was walking up Thayer Street, which you may or may not know is the college/townie hangout area on the campus of Brown University, where it meets R.I. School of Design and Johnson and Wales U. dorms. On the nice East Side of Providence, its a huge art scene and hangout, and also where all my friends hang out and where my night job at Spike's, a junkyard themed fast-food hot dog place. I was around there and someone introduced me to a girl, who was hanging out there because she was crashing at somebody's pad for the week for whatever reason. I didn't even pay attention, as my preoccupation of working 68 hour weeks and spending all the rest of my time getting stoned with the local kids and desiging starships doesnt leave my attention span in a malleable state.

On Wednesday, i was growing frustrated with hanging out though. As part of the 'hanging out' deal, Thayer is filled with runaways, drug dealers and their customers, and other wierdness.. at somepoint, i have started to cut back my hanging out, as i try to be responsible and not wreck my life with leisure activities like getting intoxicated and wasting time, and also because a lot of kids are geting violent: vandalizing cars and the such. But anywho, I ended up spending some time talking to this girl, Asia, who I had met briefly the days before. For some reason, somebody was poking fun at my tight t-shirt and the fact that it was cold out, causing my nipples to emerge like two Franz Joseph phaser banks. I dismissed this by saying everyone was jealous of the fact i had nice tits, at which point Asia suggested we compare ours.. she touched my chest, so I jokingly squeezed hers. I figured it would be an easy way to just make a joke so i could move on..

Thursday was the BRU summer concert. It got moved inside because of the rain, so it was at a local club, Lupo's. I went, did the usual antics of carrying lightsabers, dressing up funny, commisserating with like a million kids i know and meeting new people from the BRU message board that know to look for the lightsabers. I also has a couple drinks, which i havent in a long time since i was sick, so i had a nice buzz. I ended up with a diverse group of kids i knew from work, customers, classmates and Thayer kids as we left, and i offered rides to Thayer to anyone i could fit in my car, since it was in the garage at the PP mall an i needed to get it out so i wouldnt have to pay... we went to Thayer so i could get free food at Spike's. Once there, i continued drinking until i was having a full fledged night on the town. A couple of the kids i was with dispersed, and Asia stayed, but a bunch of other kids showed up to take their place.. we all decided to go to my car and smoke, we went, and did so when the other kids, Taylor, Black Alex and Not-So-Black-Alex realized they had to leave at 9:30. All of a sudden i was alone in my car with Asia, when i realized my mistake. I was really drunk and otherwise incapacitated, and this girl wanted me...

anyway, yada-yada-yada, four hours later the battery was dead because we listened to the radio the whole time, and i have a huge purple suck mark on my neck. she wanted to stay in the car and do a lot more than i really am looking to do right now, but i really need to go into spikes and get someone to jump my car before they closed. (this caused numerous embarrassments, as we both had numerous hickies and had left almost four hours earlier)... but anyway, shes taken a couple opportunities since then to shove her tongue down my throat in front of everyone there. THIS DOESNT HAPPEN.. I AM STAR TREK FAN!

Heres the thing: she had runaway from a group home, and i talked her into returning because she was, to put it severely, a fugitive. She called me a few times and i wondered how i feel about her.. i'd never really talked to her (and had only known her two days), so i want to get to know her if we are going to be involved with each other...

then more problems have happened involving a bunch of other girls... but i gotta go now, cuz Omi and Opa are sitting down to dinner and calling me

"Are you worried that your thoughts are not quite.. clear?"

Registered: Sep 2001  |  IP: Logged
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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Who are Omi and Opa?

Sounds like an interesting week. I went to a genuine coffee bar in DC yesterday, complete with about two dozen sofas and love-seats in Adams Morgan. There were even two lesbians leaning against my Jeep and kissing when we were leaving. They apologized for the leaning, I apologized for the interuption ... [Big Grin]

Actually, aside for rush hour, DC traffic isn't that bad ... but it's a commuter town, so most people take the Metro in. I love the Metro. I wish it would extend up to Baltimore ... it'd make trips a lot easier. It's about an hour and a half to my friends' place in Rosslyn, a subsection of Arlington. Any JAG fans out there know that Bud Robert's apartment is in Rosslyn, which also happens to be right across the Potomac from DC.

Maybe I'll look for a job down here when I graduate instead of heading to Boston.


Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343

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I was in DC on Saturday. Lindsey & I desecrated the Aborigine Room at the Museum of Natural History. Then I turned her on in front of an infrared camera at NASM so she could see the heat blooms. Then we collapsed on The Mall under the shade. I wanted to see The Wall, but refused to make her walk that far. She, however, was obsessed with the "giant dildo" down the road.

Then I took the wrong exit headed home & headed down 495 instead of 695. Eh. Sue me.

"The French have a saying: 'mise en place'—keep everything in its fucking place!"

Registered: Jun 2000  |  IP: Logged
David Templar
Saint of Rabid Pikachu
Member # 580

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Wow, you demonstrated restraint while drunk, that's something not so common these days.

[ June 11, 2002, 16:40: Message edited by: David Templar ]

"God's in his heaven. All's right with the world."

Registered: Apr 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 709

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Omi and Opa are my grandparents, whom i live with right now.

OK, dinner's over.

Trying to do what was right, I convinced Asia to turn herself in, she got put in a group home.

This is where the most fantastic coincidence in the history of the world happens. Asia's roommate at the group home? Erica,l the girl who stole from my apartment while i was sleeping after we almost did it last year. Erica, who threatened to have me beat up. I can't imagine what kind of cosmic forces cause four-ninths of all the breasts i've ever touched in my life to end up in one room by order of the State of Rhode Island. Perhaps God god bored with darts.

I'm not sure where this is going. Asia gets out during school, because she ditches class and walks to Thayer, but has lost her phone priveliges.. however, she sneaks me an email every once in a while. she wants me to explain things about me that Erica has told her. Erica hates me, and has quite a few legitrimate beefs with me, that i try to forget about because i feel bad that things got so confused and caused such negative things to happen.

Basically, what I should do is tell Asia that this isnt going to work, and was an accident, but i dont want to hurt her feelings. but if i play along much more, im going to end up getting dragged through the mud and damaging my feelings.

basically hurt her feelings or hurt mine... so i cant even allow myself the option i allowed myself earlier of going out with her and seeing if it works or not, because the whole situation is just awful for me now.

plus, my old girlfriend from highschool comes home from college every few months, and by unspoken agreement, tries to fool around with me. i usually try to keep it on a friends level, but she always pushes the envelope ( a lot! ) and i dont know how i would ever tell her im actually going out with someone, since neither of us has discussed our relationship, but never denied that we always end up together on break.

plus, the girl that i actually like and wanted to ask out sees me Friday morning and says 'nice hickey!'



what a mess i made... why'd i ever start drinking again?

"Are you worried that your thoughts are not quite.. clear?"

Registered: Sep 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 709

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I've been trying to restrain myself for a while... with the exception of my 'mistake' with Erica, which seemed more like a business arrangement, I have been strenuously avoiding sex for the past three years, for the sheer cause of not feeling ready for the fucked up situations some of the girls seem intent on putting me into

"Are you worried that your thoughts are not quite.. clear?"

Registered: Sep 2001  |  IP: Logged
Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs
astronauts gotta get paid
Member # 239

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Enterprise is no slouch either. The shuttlebay opens real wide.

Also, given that you seem to accept and acknowledge your immaturity and/or unpreparedness for the big penis in the vagina venture, do what you need to do now, and don't worry 'bout some sad ass ho, because I do know one thing though, bitches, they come they go. Saturday through Sunday, Monday, Monday through Sunday yo. Maybe I'll love you one day, maybe we'll someday grow, till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin' runway ho.

With apologies to Marshall Mathers. And Mike Bartel.

But still, do what you gotta do.

Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
Sol System
two dollar pistol
Member # 30

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I can't imagine what kind of cosmic forces cause four-ninths of all the breasts i've ever touched in my life to end up in one room by order of the State of Rhode Island.
You win.
Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs
astronauts gotta get paid
Member # 239

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Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
recently silent
Member # 38

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*knows how many sets of boobies Mike has touched*

PM me and I'll tell you all! But only if Doug Drexler gives me permission.

"I was surprised by the matter-of-factness of Kafka's narration, and the subtle humor present as a result." (Sizer 2005)

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
I'm a spy now. Spies are cool.
Member # 393

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Well, I make it four and a half sets, and am left wondering if he had a phase of dating an emotionally-vulnerable breast-cancer recoverer.

Never mind the Phlox - Here's the Phase Pistols

Registered: Jul 2000  |  IP: Logged
just made by the Presbyterian Church
Member # 256

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That isn't an unlikely assumption, given what we know of Mike's lovelife [Big Grin]

".mirrorS arE morE fuN thaN televisioN" - TEH PNIK FLAMIGNO

Registered: Nov 1999  |  IP: Logged
Zen Riot Activist
Member # 779

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Or a genetic mutant with three breasts... [Big Grin]

"I am an almost extinct breed, an old-fashioned gentleman, which means I can be a cast-iron son-of-a-bitch when it suits me." --Jubal Harshaw

Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged
Member # 709

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*sigh* or possibly, there was a set of breasts that I only touched one of, not both. logic guys, run with it.

OK, since i havent been home or posted in about 30 hours, you may assume something happened...

where to start.

ok, well i went out after posting that to chill with some friends and blow off some steam. a rather bizarre set of coincidences led me to end up on thayer street tuesday night. i ran into Asia.

yadda, yadda, yadda, i got arrested and spent the night in jail. i havent slept in a couple days, so im only skimming the story that there will be plenty of time to tell later, making this a justified use of the 'yadda,yadda,yadda' skip

but now something funny has happened.. getting arrested with Asia and spending a night in jail because of it has really caused me to realize i feel a strange kind of bond with her. i dont want to be apart from her.

this situation has gone from bizarre to frightening quickly, but i think i can damage control my way out of it to restore my normal life, with the exception that, emotionally, i am getting twisted apart by how i suddenly feel for her.

ok.. im gonna try to sleep soon...

BTW, Snay, the Crown Vic was much more comfortable than the Caprice... i got to ride in a few cars, I really liked how the Fords handled.

[ June 12, 2002, 21:21: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]

"Are you worried that your thoughts are not quite.. clear?"

Registered: Sep 2001  |  IP: Logged
Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs
astronauts gotta get paid
Member # 239

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Which of you was the jailbitch? Nothing makes buttsex more exciting.
Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
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