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Author Topic: "Why Does My Computer Hate Me?" The Revenge
Just loves those smilies!
Member # 557

 - posted July 28, 2001 07:36 AM      Profile for akb1979     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I had 64mb of SDRAM - now got 320!
My processor is a P2 233Mhz - crap and won't run the two games I love very well (Deus Ex and Star Trek: Armada). The graphics card is a real bitch and the major problem. I asked for a minimum of 8mb, but the bastard only gave me 4mb and still charged me for the 8mb. Sadly it is not enough to properly run ST:A even on the low setting for the graphics and so that may be the next thing to be replaced.

Sadly (not being very techincal) I did not notice the thing about the graphics card until 6 months later and after he had gone out of business. I have since considered buying a P3, but decided on upgrading my current PC so that it will cope during my last year at university. When uni is finished and I get a full-time job with a larger salary, I may very well buy a P3 or even a P4 and give the P2 to my sister as she is living with a P1 75!

As for what I use my PC for - games mostly, like Deus Ex and ST:A, X-wing v TIE Fighter and the previous two games of the title. I also use the computer a lot for assignments and (trying) to write a novel - hence the reason why I've stuck with a P2 for so long: it had met my needs until recently.

Ah well, we can't all have what we dream of . . . but if we did, we'd probably get bored very quickly as there would be nothing to dream of having and nothing to strive for . . . I could be wrong (known to happen) . . .

If you cant convince them, confuse them.

Registered: Apr 2001  |  IP: Logged
Chinese Canadian, or 75% Commie Bastard.
Member # 33

 - posted July 29, 2001 10:16 PM      Profile for Saltah'na     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Try reinstalling over the present version you have now. That might work.

"And slowly, you come to realize, it's all as it should be, you can only do so much. If you're game enough, you could place your trust in me. For the love of life, there's a tradeoff, we could lose it all but we'll go down fighting...." - David Sylvian
FreeSpace 2, the greatest space sim of all time, now remastered!

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
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