A simple question, to be followed (hopefully) by debate:How come we teach kids it's never okay to drink and drive, but teach them about "safe sex"?
"Safe sex" assumes that kids will have sex no matter what we say to them. If this is true, won't they drink no matter what we say also? If so, shouldn't we be teaching them how to drive drunk?
If the above isn't so, then why are condoms being handed out to the students? If you can avoid driving drunk by refusing to drive if you're gonna drink and vice versa, then why can't you avoid the unwanted consequences of sexual activity by abstaining until you have found a faithful partner?
Somebody 'splain this to me?
------------------ I prefer the company of those who aim low and overshoot the mark to those who aim at heaven and shoot their fellow man in the head.
I agree with that fully, Baloo. In fact, at the youth group I've recently started to attend, we've been going through a 6 week series ON sex and how to abstain from it, rather than just practice it safely.
This series has been wonderful, and the way the youth pastor has gone about presenting it has helped a lot. Instead of just taking the normal adult stance of "Don't do it." he's been talking to us in real life terms and telling us the FACTS about it. Not just statistics on pregnancy and diseases, but the facts about the emotional stress that can go with it, and the life long consequences that follow.
I truly feel that this is THE most worthwhile thing I've ever sat through, and I truly wish everyone could sit through it. It's opened my eyes to a lot of things, and I know it's opened the eyes of a lot of my friends, too.
What we need is for kids to be exposed to THIS kind of information... real life, down to earth, terms that kids can understand and relate to type of input, instead of the sugar coated "This is how to have sex safely" or just the "Don't do it" lecture. If kids feel that they are being spoken to at their OWN level, rather than being spoken DOWN to, then they are more likely to respond, and in the case of the youth group, the responce is wonderful.
There... my two cents....
------------------ "WARNING: Objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear."
[Braces himself for the inevitible opposing view.]
------------------ I prefer the company of those who aim low and overshoot the mark to those who aim at heaven and shoot their fellow man in the head.
The main difference, as far as I can see, is that having a nice glass of your choice of poison is not part of an instinctual response.
You have to go well out of your way to have a drink. All sex requires is good looks, money, and a bit of free time. And to be fair, most people do without the first two and get by fine on the third.
Being an American, I come into the world with an inate sense of the horrible shamefulness of sex. Other countries don't necessarily share that cultural view. And yet, they aren't exploding with teen pregnancy. Why? It would seem that there is a large difference between understanding the thing and simply fearing it.
------------------ "Don't call me at work again. Oh no, the boss still hates me. I'm just tired and I don't love you anymore, and there's a restaurant we should check out where the other nightmare people like to go...I mean nice people, baby wait, I didn't mean to say nightmare." -- They Might Be Giants
In my high school days, our health teacher went on and on about abstention, and how its the only 100% success rate contraceptive... she was very adamant about it...
On a similar note, I read an article in "Dear Abby" about the difference between having sex and making love. It goes on to say that sex is a very selfish act. Having sex is just sexual gratification, and not something that is mutual. On the other hand, making love is something that is shared between two people. Its not just sexual gratification, but a mutual love for each other.
Ok, too much mushy stuff...
------------------ "We are all a product of the environment we live in.... the rest, good or bad, may be free will." Charles C. Bohnam
Simply put, Baloo, it's because the temptation to have sex is FAR greater than the temptation to drink. Also, it's pretty safe to assume that there IS no discernable way to teach a child HOW to drive drunk.
Though, I believe very strongly that if children grew up learning about alcohol, learning about moderation and the proper way to drink things... basically, if drinking was legal no matter the age and parents taught their children HOW to drink, there would be less of a problem. It is proven that in societies where children are taught how to drink, there is less mystery, less taboo, and less need to drive drunk.
------------------ 12 days and counting........ *HUGE EFFING BIGASS GRIN* "Never underestimate the light side .......... ...... of duct tape."
Much the same way if children were brought up where sex was discussed freely and without embarrassment, perhaps many people wouldn't feel the need to have sex.
And while the temptation may be greater to have sex, the rewards of waiting are strong as well. It's a very personal thing. I intend to wait. Whether or not you do is your own business.
However, I must say this. I am well aware of sexual desire. Everyone is. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have sex. Many people say it is a sin. I consider myself Christian, but wanting to have sex isn't a sin. It's biology. But I don't agree with acting on those desires. I accept that its natural, and our instincts. But mankinds ability to master their instincts is what separates us from animals. (Well, that and medicine, electricity, flight, language...)
Sex is a good thing. It should be reserved for someone who you truly love. How do you prove you love someone? Marry them. That way you know you're not being taken advantage of, and they know the same. Sex should come out of something greater, not lead to it.
And that's all I have to say about that.
------------------ Josh: I think they're getting to know each other a bit too well, if you catch my drift. Me: Oh, I agree. I think they're spending too much time together, that is of course, if you catch my drift. Asher: I think he's *ucking her, and he's cheating on his wife, and he's risking his marriage, and if his wife finds out about it she'll leave him and take their son, and his life will be ruined. If you catch my drift...
------------------ "Don't call me at work again. Oh no, the boss still hates me. I'm just tired and I don't love you anymore, and there's a restaurant we should check out where the other nightmare people like to go...I mean nice people, baby wait, I didn't mean to say nightmare." -- They Might Be Giants
Well, the obvious difference in Baloo's original question of 'What's the difference between sex and drinking and driving' One is illegal, the other isn't.
Nowhere does the Bible say that sex is wrong. In fact it says that sex between married couples pleases God.
Saying sex is a sin is like saying that eating is a sin, it is a neccessary biological function (for the human race to survive at least)
Assuming that everyone will have sex makes a lot of sense. So teaching them how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and STD's is a good idea.
On the other hand, a 'drinking virgin' out on his first night at the pub will not catch a lfe threatening disease or create a human life. He COULD kill someone by driving while drunk, so warning against that makes sense.
Drinking by itself isn't illegal (over 18/21 anyway). Neither is having sex. However, they can both result in unfortunate circumstances. It makes sense to protect against them. Saying that you should wait several decades before finding a suitible partner to have sex with is like saying never drive until there is absolutly no chance of dying in a crash. There are risks involved with both things. But you can reduce the chances of anything happening until they are low enough for you to deeem them acceptible. You put on a seatbelt when driving, you use a condom when having sex.
You can hardly compare being a designated driver (which is a one night thing) to abstaining from sex until marriage (which is decades long).
Sex is a natural thing. Sure, we can override our instincts and wait until we are married. But why should we? OUr instincts are generally there for a reason. If god didn't want us to have sex before marriage, why'd he make it such a strong natural urge anyway?
------------------ 'You want the moon on a stick, don't you?' -Richard Herring
The Frankenstein Principle. God looked upon mankind in horror, realizing only too late what he had created. Destroying us won't work, we're like cockroaches. So God resorts to simply hating humanity, trying to crush our dreams whenever possible.
Hmm...L. Ron Hubbard was right. This IS easy.
------------------ "Don't call me at work again. Oh no, the boss still hates me. I'm just tired and I don't love you anymore, and there's a restaurant we should check out where the other nightmare people like to go...I mean nice people, baby wait, I didn't mean to say nightmare." -- They Might Be Giants
Orion Syndicate
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
Member # 25
The media is involved, but it's also a biological need. I'm not an expert here, but from what I have heard and believe greatly, people have a need to go out and find a mate - it's just an instinct. As a result, we've just got to make the best of it and teach about safe sex and the different consequences. That doesn't mean frightening the life out of people so that they never want to have sex, but just informing.
It's the sensible thing to do, and then people can go out there and make up their own minds.
Bryce: I don't think there's many men alive who don't crave sex.
------------------ Blackadder: I'm King *drops dead*