Funny, the OT Satan wasn't anything LIKE the "Satan" these people seem to believe in.
Of course, Job shows us that, plus just how much power God is willing to let Satan have.. "Thou movest Me [God] against him [Job], to destroy him without cause."
Satan controls the media.. yeah.. and TV evangelism was his best idea ever!
That all sounds very much like "what I like is of God, what I don't like is of Satan."
------------------ You're just JEALOUS because the little voices talk to ME!
Well, the way I see it, it seems a lot of folks my age (and younger, unfortunately, and older) simply get together and half sex because they're bored sometimes. or stressed, maybe. Personally, even if sex is a stress reliever, or the ultimate expression of love, I don't think I'd take that step before I'm married. Three of my friends i've known through highschool, at least, have had babies. I don't know if they were mature enough to take care of these kids, hopefully so. I don't know if I am, either. Possibly so. But I'm not ready to have THAT MUCH responsibility. I'm not ready to sudenly have to grow up that fast. So why not have an abortion, or use birth control pills or something, right? wrong...nothing is fool-proof except abstinence. Catholic schools have drummed 'safe sex' and all the crap that they teach about sex and contraception and everything into my head, and I'm still figuring out for myself how much of it I agree with and how much i think is just symantics. but until i'm comfortable and confident with handling the possibility of having a baby, i'm not going to risk throwing away what i have right now...a fairly good relationship with family, college, ...youth... religion does play a big part in all this for me, but a lot of it is also just knowing my own limits. of two of my friends who got pregnant, the first was no surprise, and the second was. it wasn't really the girl that surprised was her boyfriend. I had never expected that would happen, because he struck me as really responsible with a lot of common sense. I don't hold it against him, and i don't look down at him for it, because it *is* human nature, and everyone has their limits. given half a chance, i'm not even sure if i could stand by my own values about this. i would hope so, but i'm not sure.
*shrugs* oh well. enough of this ranting of mine
------------------ Clones are People Two
"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together" ([[[[[[*]}�������������������������
First: Your right, nothing evil comes from God. It's that simple. And you won't understand this, but theGos of the OT is slightly different than the God in the NT.
All I was trying to was that the media turns are healthy craving for sex into an unhealthy one.
------------------ 5 DAYS UNTIL GRADUATION! Wheelersburg Correctional Facility #05301999-1382
What you gain in life is not as important as WHAT YOU LEAVE BEHIND!
[This message was edited by bryce on May 25, 1999.]
[This message was edited by bryce on May 25, 1999.]
Heaven forbid I should sde with 1of2 over anything, but I have to say that he can probably see the difference between the OT and NT gods.
OT: 'Lord, I accidently thought of a naughty word' God: Then I shall cast you from heaven, and make all your children hideous cripples, your daughters shall be sterile, and you will be hacked to death with rusty knives
NT: Lord, I accidently slept with a married woman God: Are you sorry? NT guy: Sorta God: Good enough. come on into heaven.
Besides, I'm not following your argument. God gave us these urges to have sex, but expected us to restrain them until we are married. Righhtttt. Makes perfect sense.
And to bring backa very tired religious point. If nothing evil comes from god, where does Satan come from? Microsoft?
And to answer Baloo's original point in a much shorter way. Teaching people not to drive IS teaching them about safe drinking. So kid's are taught safe sex, and safe drinking. They are taught that drinking and driving is wrong. They are taught that (for example) rape is wrong. I don't see any dichotamy here. (is that the right word, or would double-standards make more sense)
------------------ 'You want the moon on a stick, don't you?' -Richard Herring
All things dull and ugly, All creatures short and squat, All things rude and nasty, The Lord God made the lot.
Each little snake that poisons, Each little wasp that stings, He made their brutish venom, He made their horrid wings.
All things sick and cancerous, All evil great and small, All things foul and dangerous, The Lord God made them all.
------------------ "Don't call me at work again. Oh no, the boss still hates me. I'm just tired and I don't love you anymore, and there's a restaurant we should check out where the other nightmare people like to go...I mean nice people, baby wait, I didn't mean to say nightmare." -- They Might Be Giants
*Is flattered to think his elders feel he needs to be taught how to AVOID getting sex!* LOL!
Methinks the First One has made the most pertinent observation. Y'all heed his words, m'kay?
------------------ "Now then, I believe Random Pavarotti disease is a psychological ailment and we should find it in the otherworldliness of Vince's brain." "Ohw, rubbish. I reckon Random Pavarotti disease is a physical condition...... Let's go and look at 'is bum!"
Sex is natural sex is good not everybody does it but everybody should.
------------------ "Now then, I believe Random Pavarotti disease is a psychological ailment and we should find it in the otherworldliness of Vince's brain." "Ohw, rubbish. I reckon Random Pavarotti disease is a physical condition...... Let's go and look at 'is bum!"
Right, bryce, nothing evil comes from God. Sure. Unless you believe that God created the "Devil," in which case He must also have created everything ABOUT the Devil, including the inclination and desire and ambition the Devil had.
Give me a day or so, and I can probably even pull up some scripture quotes that show that evil things can and do sometimes come directly from the Big G.
Funny, God keeps designing these systems with built-in flaws, then getting mad when they break.
>"The OT God and the NT God are different" Well, that's funny, I thought the label read "One God, Eternal, Changeless." I want my money back.
------------------ You're just JEALOUS because the little voices talk to ME!
[This message was edited by First of Two on May 26, 1999.]
I stood up for you there 1of2. Let's just keep it civil, m'kay? (might as well join in with the South Park stuff).
So, Lee. This sex thing. How much would you recommend it? Is it worth 4 stars? Or does the slight tiredness and hunger reduce it to 3 stars? Not forgetting the cleaning bill.
------------------ 'You want the moon on a stick, don't you?' -Richard Herring