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Author Topic: I hate the GOP
Jason Abbadon
Rolls with the punches.
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I'd like to ask McCain why he's pressed very hard for -and succedded in- getting all POW debriefings classified as "secret" so the freedom Of Information act does not apply to them?
A Viet nam vet friend thinks it's bullshit to cover something embarassing McCain said on the official US military records- which are supposed to be available to all US citizens.
Seems McCain was against the F.O.I.Act and has fought to get a lot of Nam-era stuff marked "secret".

For someone tha's constantly bringing up his captivity/torture, it's kinda an issue- as much as say, Kerry's service record was anyway.

Today it was announced taht Palin will not answer any questions from the media/press intill "they start showing her some respect" according to the GOP.
I tink they're really afraid of her trying to answer any quetions about "troopergate" or her own use of earmarks- not when all her speaches go on about how she's never used them and how she's a "reformer".

Amazingly anough, the press seems to be going along with this nonsense: McCain cant answer these questions for hera s he barely knows her at all.

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I'd be all "Respect DEEZ NUTZ, bitch!!"

"The French have a saying: 'mise en place'—keep everything in its fucking place!"

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The Aardvark asked for a dagger
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Well, she seems to be a Level VII super-christian (with bonusu booster-packsuru), calling the invasion of iraq "God's plan", and it seems she comes from a congregation that gets those wonderful, really important but sadly undecipherable transmissions from the lord into their tongues, so if I was the GOP and I had brought her aboard to flirt with former Hillary-voters and put Biden to shame, I'd be keen on keeping her trap shut too.

I so loved it when the "Daily Show"-reporters asked people regarding Palin's daughter keeping the baby, at the gop-con. "Hmm, what's that word...I want to say 'alternative', or 'she made a decision', but...no. Help me out here?"
Samantha Bee 4real.

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Jason Abbadon
Rolls with the punches.
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CNN reports:
Former GOP senator calls Palin a 'cocky wacko'

Former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee has words for Sarah Palin.
(CNN) – Former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee was known for keeping a low-key profile on Capitol Hill, but the Republican -turned -Independent is making waves with his exceedingly blunt comments on newly-minted Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin:

She's a "cocky wacko," he told a Washington think tank earlier this week.

Chafee, the lone Senate Republican to vote against the Iraq war who endorsed Obama's White House bid earlier this year, told an audience at the New America Foundation in Washington Tuesday that Palin's selection has energized Obama backers.

"People were coming into my office, phone calls were flooding in, e-mails were coming in, 'I just sent money to Obama, I couldn't sleep last night' — from the left. To see this cocky wacko up there," he said.

He also described McCain's candidacy as "lackluster” and described the selection of Palin as a throwing "this firestorm, this tornado, into the whole presidential election."


Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering.
-Aeschylus, Agamemnon

Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged
The Aardvark asked for a dagger
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Of course, if they'd win, Palin would probably just be deposited into some desk drawer until they needed her for a baby photo-op or moose field dressing, she probably wouldn't be able to affect any of McCain's policies, or carry out independent political actions, would she? I don't know how actual oval office work takes form.
I wonder if forced adult-baptism would be considered unconstitutional.

On another note, since McCain deep-down doesn't like Bush (He wouldn't, right? Since they where competitors in 2001?), does that mean McCain is also free of influence from the Cheney-singularity?

Registered: Aug 1999  |  IP: Logged
Jason Abbadon
Rolls with the punches.
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Yeah right- all those campaign contributors and defense contractors will still be expecting their paybacks.
Not to mention the Oil lobby, the far Right christians, (whom I think of as "evangenitals") and every Bush crony looking to move on up the ladder.

Alberto Gonzalez surely wants a job for keeping his yap shut under grilling....as would all the other cronies that are keepig secrets that would make the Republicans look bad come election time.

Leiberman will probably ask if he can remove his head from McCain's ass after the election's over (one way or another).
Speaking of which, I'm sure the GOP asses that call Leiberman "a great man of morals that crosses party lines to speak his mind" will be calling Lincoln Chafee a traitor tomorrow. [Roll Eyes]

I've been reading up on this "troopergate" fiasco- seems the Gov Palin is under investigation- but by the attorney general she's assigned and a comitte she's assigned....no conflict of intrest there, right?
Of course, the person that's supposed to hold a state govonor accountable is the President- which he certainly wont do if it hurts his party.

If Biden had pulled such a shady thing, the GOP would be lapping it up 24/7 on Faux News.

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Stormwind City Guard
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Okay.. I just need a place to rant [Wink]

I have this strong suspicion that the US will vote for McCain in November. I think Palin was the 'right' choice. An extreme conservative, a fundemental radical evangelical Christian, and a woman. Fox News will have an easy time to defend her, and they will force Obama to make stupid remarks (they've already done that) and replay those 1,000 times a day.

Obama is just to good to be true. And McCain/Palin is just to twisted and wickedly insane not to become President. The majority of Americans don't seem to give a shit about policy (or at least not about policy on a larger scale than their house), nor do they seem to care very much about considering carefully about choosing the most powerful president on the planet. I do hope Iran hurries up with those nukes, we may need some proper balance to stop the US from invading right, left and centre. And I'm almost serious about that last point.

Titan Fleet Yards | Memory Alpha

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Mars Needs Women
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And Palin lives next to Russia, which means she's experienced when it comes to foreign policy. And speaking of Russia, I don't know what the cast of The View told Cindy McCain which caused her go on some weird rant about how Russia's the enemy.
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Jason Abbadon
Rolls with the punches.
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CNN's got a nice video of Brabara walters grilling McCain on exactly who/what Palin is suposed to "reform" in Washington.
Walters to Mccain: "You've been in the senate for 20 years- Who's she going to reform? You?"

Walters still can make world figures squirm and sputter.

CNN has some nice coverage of the various lies Mccain's ads are spewing this week- including a spanish radio ad saying Obama blocked attempts to reform immigration policy - it fails to mention that mccain and Obama both voted exactly the same on that issue in an attempt to break a fillibuster.

My greatest fear in this election is that so many people will say "Everyone with an ounce of sense has to vote for Obama and not more of the same shit." and so Obama's voter turnout will not be as high as it should be- giving McCain the presidentcy.
Hey, we all thought Kerry would win by a landslide before the GOP spun everyone's attention to Swiftboat and away from the issues.

Also intresting is news that Bush has FINALLY greenlighted raids into Pakistan to go after Al Queida.
Very convient timing there, considering NATO and US commanders in Afghanistan have been jointly begging such permission for over two years now.

Bush's administration denies any political considerations in the matter and jsut says "the time is right for it".

Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged
The Aardvark asked for a dagger
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I wonder if fate has dictated that the US "needs" another four-year stretch of this stuff, before feeling ready for change? It feels like another four years of these people showing their true colors could be thought of as needed, before the play enters act III.
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Mars Needs Women
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More like they need to be reminded.
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Stormwind City Guard
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Wait.. Even Karl Rove has come out against McCain's campaign ads now... The brain hurts. Are we going to look back upon Bush and his clique as progressive leaders in 4 years time?

Titan Fleet Yards | Memory Alpha

Registered: Dec 1999  |  IP: Logged
Jason Abbadon
Rolls with the punches.
Member # 882

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If Rove thinks they're dirty....fuck, I dont know what to say.
Who'd have thought McCain would be such a slimeball candidate?

On NPR today, they had (another!) special all on Palin's changing who women voters would vote for- should they vote for their gender, their party or...gasp! maybe even the issues!?
I turned the fucking radio off after five or six (female) idiots called in to either compare Palin to Hillary Clinton as "a progressive" or to rant about how the media is somehow out to get palin an how she's just not getting a fair shot...

Holy crap- the sheer stupidity of some people is amazing. One women in ten called to say Palin's selection is an obvious ploy and pointed out how incredibly far right she really is.

CNN now reports how some in the GOP are going to block the "troopergate" investigation because " media is somehow out to get palin an how she's just not getting a fair shot, blah blah blah..."
Seripusly, the FBI was investigating before anyone knew who she was- let them o their jobs.

Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering.
-Aeschylus, Agamemnon

Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged
I'm... from Earth.
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Karl Rove works for the McCain campaign, and you know he has no desire to see Obama elected. Add the fact that he's probably the most calculating political mind around, and I think it's safe to say that he would never throw the "even Rove says McCain is lying" meme out there without having some sort of plan to use it to McCain's advantage.
Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Mars Needs Women
Sexy Funmobile
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Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
If Rove thinks they're dirty....fuck, I dont know what to say.
Who'd have thought McCain would be such a slimeball candidate?

On NPR today, they had (another!) special all on Palin's changing who women voters would vote for- should they vote for their gender, their party or...gasp! maybe even the issues!?
I turned the fucking radio off after five or six (female) idiots called in to either compare Palin to Hillary Clinton as "a progressive" or to rant about how the media is somehow out to get palin an how she's just not getting a fair shot...

Holy crap- the sheer stupidity of some people is amazing. One women in ten called to say Palin's selection is an obvious ploy and pointed out how incredibly far right she really is.

CNN now reports how some in the GOP are going to block the "troopergate" investigation because " media is somehow out to get palin an how she's just not getting a fair shot, blah blah blah..."
Seripusly, the FBI was investigating before anyone knew who she was- let them o their jobs.

Yeah I like how nowadays politicians can choose to not have themselves investigated for wrong doing. Y'know cause there's no chance that they could abuse their power. Also I'm getting sick of this whole "women being energized by Palin" thing, with some talking about being "torn" because they don't want a continuation of the past eight years, but they need to support other women NO MATTER WHAT! Cause I guess they're like lemmings. [Mad]
Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged
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