Wait a minute--How does coming out of the closet screw up someone else's life? Okay, so some people can't accept it right away or it's another thing to worry about. All it means to me is that, say in Jubilee's example, you bring home a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend. How does that affect your family?
------------------ "I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know." --Picard to Data, "In Theory"
*doesn't understand the negative opinion concept* People are people, and we're all put on this Earth to live, learn and LOVE.... whether it be two females, two males, or a male and female in a relationship, it all boils down to the same thing-- they are people and nothing can EVER change that. They laugh alike, they cry alike, and they FEEL alike... there are no differences, except in what sex they choose to spend their life with. People are people, and let's just live with that fact and accept it.....please....
------------------ I hate men. I truly do. But it's okay... I'm not bitter.
quote:*sigh* A few years ago I wouldn't have had any problems with homosexuals... but having my mom totally screw up my life by deciding she was gay kind of hurts. If I found out one of my friends were gay I have no idea how I'd react. I'd still love them, but geeesh it would be hard for me. one 'decides' to be gay or straight or bi, zilla. It's genetic, through and through, whether it be recessive or dominant genes.
I, personally, would love to follow your example RW, but our school is totally homophobic. I was planning to come out to a few of my close friends, but a few days after I started planning it, my friend Taylor said "Wouldn't that be weird if your best friend came to your reunion and it turned out they were gay?"
So anyways, I'm perfectly contecnt for the time being to keep my choice to not bury my natural being my and my family's business.
------------------ "Just're the queen!" Tom Paris to Janeway, "Bride of Chaotica"
WHen a person 'comes out' it shouldn't affect any relationships, because the person is the SAME person that was your friend, brother, aunt, principal, etc.
------------------ "Just're the queen!" Tom Paris to Janeway, "Bride of Chaotica"
Can we PLEASE stop saying that First of Two hates Christians? He doesn't.
*AIGGH! Third-personspeak!*
Listen, I'm perfectly aware that there are a whole lot of perfectly nice Christians out there. My grandmother was one. I know many others, and work with several.
I'm also aware that there are a lot of rotten ones, misguided ones, and ones that are simply wrong, and probably more of these than is generally assumed. (First of Two's First Law: There is no cause so just that one cannot find fools following it)
Of course, the previous two statements apply to virtually every OTHER religious group out there, a fact which members of most of those groups find difficult to accept, especially since they're usually taught that only members of their particular sect are going to the Theme Park in the Sky.
As a general rule, I don't hate anybody any more than they hate anybody else.
So if you want to determine how I feel about you, check and see what your church of choice practices towards people it doesn't agre with. And ye shall reap as thee hath sown.
------------------ "When we turn our back on our principles, we stop being human." -- Janeway, "Equinox"
OK! *sigh* The reason we're not going to agree on this is because our beliefs are different. I was trying to say something that would not make Zilla go into a tandrum when she got home, as she is out of town.
The Bottom line is we don't believe the same things.
About the effect of a relationship can have on people, not everyone in the world is as open-minded as you are.
Hm, all very civil people out here, great. I see no reason to go christian bashing or muslim bashing or anything, I don't think there's a god but that's my opinion, and it's just some points I disagree with SOME religious people, and this is one. Saying I'm a sinner and I will burn in hell for all eternity for not believing is, for example, another point. The only bad thing is, a few weeks ago some judge decided not to convict someone from a christian party who compared homosexuals to thieves, because he did so in a religious context. This means, if your religion says someone is wrong, you can insult them as much and as often as you want. Nice precedent, let's see what follows *feels knuckles itching* But on the other hand, I do live in a country where homosexual couples can "marry" (well, they call it "registered partnership" but it gives you almost all the rights married couples have)
Registered: Mar 1999
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Jaresh Inyo
First of Two, that's my mistake on that one, and I apologize. You raise an interesting point, though, about the various Churches. I don't go to Church. I've seen too many good people who were trying to serve God get pulled into the ideas of someone who said that they knew what God wanted. I'm of the belief that the only one who knows what God wants for me is me, and not even then, always.
The only time I go to church is when there's a food drive or fund raiser going. And then, since I have no church of my own, I go to the church where I know a lot of people. Other than that, I don't need anyone else telling me what God wants from me. I know already.
------------------ Josh: I think they're getting to know each other a bit too well, if you catch my drift. Me: Oh, I agree. I think they're spending too much time together, that is of course, if you catch my drift. Asher: I think he's *ucking her, and he's cheating on his wife, and he's risking his marriage, and if his wife finds out about it she'll leave him and take their son, and his life will be ruined. If you catch my drift...
How did I screw up my family's life? I dont' know. But I told them I was bi, and their response was "WHY did you to this to us?" *sighs*
I'm not going to argue about morals, or anything here. I just wish we could all be at least TOLERATED no matter what anyone believes to be right and wrong. I believe that God also said "Love thy neighbor".. it doesn't matter if that person, to you, is sinfull or not. They are still your neighbor and you have to be nice to them. That's it.
I'm not going to christian bash. As a matter of fact, i'm not going to say anything more at all. goodnight.
------------------ Cherish your visions; cherish your ideas; cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for if you remain true to them, your world will at last be built.
The First One
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed
Member # 35
I want to be homophobic. I really do. The only gay person I've ever known well pretended to be bisexual and attracted to me because of the problems she was having with hey girlfriend. Those are sorted now and she's very happy, so I've been dropped like the proverbial live hand grenade and even held to blame for her feelings.
But I can't be. That is one lesson I've learnt. People find things to hate about people. I have plenty of OTHER more valid reasons to hate the rest of humanity without starting on who they choose to shag. So I'll just settle for hating her for being a two-faced bitch, which shouldn't offend anybody's politically-correct sensibilities. Besides, there are two gay members of these Forums who ARE my friends - or should I say I have two friends here who just happen to be gay?
So I don't have a problem with homosexuality, and neither should anyone else. But if you do, keep it to yourself. Don't come round here quoting convenient parts of the Old Testament (something which Christians usually choose to ignore in favour of the New one) and expect us to give you any sort of sympathy.
And as for the determinedly lower-case Zilla and Bryce - do you actually KNOW anything about sex at all? I'm guessing you've swallowed the whole "True Love Waits" baloney hook, line and sinker - or you're a pair of the most vile hypocrites ever to show their faces round here (this week). Please don't go damning others for the way they choose to do things you know nothing about.
OUCH. And I thought _I_ was the venemous one.
It's true, they're KIDS. And as kids, they generally don't know a whole lot more than what they've been told, and we can't really rake them over the coals for that.
Really, _I_ held many of the same beliefs when I was sixteen. Honestly. But then life started knocking. Eventually, I realized that most of the things I'd been spoon-fed as a child were only a small part of the big picture, and what I saw left a vile taste in my mouth.
It's possible they haven't even read the whole Bible yet, so they aren't aware of all the really nasty behavior in it. I hadn't.
So, go after the beliefs, not the people. They can't help being young and impressionable.
"Do you know how disconcerting it is to be on a plane full of Happy Young Christians? To be the only one who CARES if the plane goes down? I'm going into the side of a mountain, they're going to a 'better place.' 'Kids, I think the wing's falling off!' 'Cum-by-ya...'" -- Dennis Miller
------------------ "When we turn our back on our principles, we stop being human." -- Janeway, "Equinox"