And here are some other examples.Someone in my nation is ill with a rare disease. Another nation has the cure, but refuses to relinquish it. I and my military will thus go into the other nation to get the cure. If they try to stop us via any sort of threat, we have no choice but to attack them until we get the cure. It would also be a good idea to destroy the military infrastructure of the other nation to insure this doesn't happen again.
Someone from my nation is being imprisoned by another nation. I and my military will thus go into the other nation to get him/her out. If they try to stop us via any sort of threat, we have no choice but to attack them until we get the other person back. If the other person is harmed or killed, the other nation's military infrastructure must be destroyed to insure this doesn't happen again.
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"Ou tou kratountos h� polis nomizetai" - Creon