Ah, but that's where Mill's idea of an objective scale of pleasures comes in. He essentially says that not all pleasures are equal, and that some are "high" and some are "low". Some critics point to this distinction and say that Mill wasn't really a utilitarian after all.
------------------ "What did it mean to fly? A tremor in your soul. To resist the dull insistance of gravity." -- Camper Van Beethoven
I dunno. Most people I know wouldn't consider drinking to be solf-destuctive. At least, not the way we do it. If you do it like George Best (Americans, please insert your own favourite alcoholic there), then it is extrememly self-destructive.
I'm a bit of a fan of carousing too.
BTW First, that post from me came after a week of only getting 4 hours of sleep a night, so it came out a bit harsher than intended. Sorry. Still, what do you think of the Pope's apology?
------------------ "Sometimes I wish the planet would be scoured with cleansing fire. Other times I just wish Frank would be." Sol System
Liam: s'Okay. I didn't get mad. Actually, it made me think a bit.
I think the Pope's message was a start. But like many religious leaders who commented, I don't think it was all that much. It was a pretty generalized statement. But on the whole, it's a good start.
However, as I understand it, the statement was directed as a prayer to God for forgiveness, when it should have been directed at those harmed (or the decedents thereof). That would be superior.
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi