I suspect that a lot of christians would argue that they support a different "faith" than the bunch of nutters who are described in the above articles. Or are you saying that all Christians, everywhere, are responsible?
------------------ "I am in one of those rare periods of life where I am convinced I am a sexy devil."- Simon "Sol System" Sizer
I'd say that we are all responsible... I am resposible to teach my son not to be a relegious zealot. I am resposible to teach him not to be a skin head.
Thus not perpetuating these particular stupidities.
------------------ "One's ethics are determined by what we do when no one is looking"
If it calls itself a duck, we will generally assume it's a duck.
If it's a goose, calling itself a duck, the ducks should be pissed off and yelling in its face, 'you're a fuckin' GOOSE! Quit calling yourself a duck, you're making us look bad!'
Tacit acceptance of the goose by the ducks leads an observer to conclude that the goose is welcome among the ducks.
------------------ "Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Ty Kwan Leap. Approach me, that you might see." -- The Master
People like these make people like me, Liz, and Jeff look bad.
I think this guy actually summed it rather well, when he said this:
"Any person that does not have the right attitude about God's moral Law is not a genuine saint, regardless of what they profess."
He's off base scripturally on practically EVERYTHING. I won't judge a person based on knowing them for a decade, much less some abstract ideas on the web, but IF we assume that everything this guy stands for is included on his site, he does not constitute a Christian, in that he does not follow the teachings of Christ. I'm not saying he's not, but if he is, then he needs to clarify his website. What's that verse about eschewing the appearance of evil?
Notable quotes:
"The news media is the worse institution in America, and the most despicable."
Well, maybe they got ONE thing close to right...
"One cannot have thoughts of a true GOD without actually thinking of the true God, because there is no true God other than the true God."
Well... duh?
"How do you make life miserable for heathens? By making it that they must submit to God's righteousness."
Has this guy read the Bible at all? IIRC, Revelation says that everyone's gonna have to do this sooner or later...
Oh, sure I do.
"He who agrees with america's constitution and its system of democracy becomes moonstruck and goes crazy."
I literally laughed out loud at that one. This guy is a hick. How'd he ever figure out how to set up a domain name, anyway?
"All major news media in America is the main medium by which satan and his demons speak to the American public."
I can hardly type, I'm laughing so hard.
"The senators and congressmen are also the medium by which the people make their desires known unto satan, and one means by which satan answers their prayers."
So how does the POTUS work into this system? Does this make Bill Clinton Satan?
"I have nightmares after reading the American constitution and its amendments."
Sure you don't mean "headaches" here, buddy?
"America is the leading anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Jesus Christ nation on earth."
And this would include China, where people can be shot for believing the above?
I think this guy is really trying to create an entirely new religion, that has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity except the name.
Here's a handy guide for you. Christianity can be boiled down to a very few statements and commands. Keep in mind that this IS my analysis, and that I am fallible (yes, I did just say that). I may have missed something important, but this is the general idea:
1) God loves you, under all circumstances.
2) You owe God. BIG. Therefore, you should do what He says.
3) Love God.
4) Love everyone else.
5) Especially, love yourself. God does, after all.
6) Tell as many as possible of the above.
It's really that simple. Anyone who calls themselves Christian, and yet does not do the above, is seriously misguided or misinformed.
------------------ "Still one thing more fellow-citizens--A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government..." -Thomas Jefferson
Personally, I'd call "Christianity" the belief in God (and by association, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, who always gets left out of stuff like this. The poor guy must hav ea real inferiority complex. He does at least as much work as Jesus, and gets no respect. Tch.). Anything else is negotiable.
------------------ "And Mojo was hurt and I would have kissed his little boo boo but then I realized he was a BAD monkey so I KICKED HIM IN HIS FACE!" -Bubbles
Does Rule #2 apply to the Commandment not to kill? If yes, how do you justify owning a firearm knowing that God does not want you to kill? IIRC, it's "Thou Shalt Not Kill", not "Thou Shalt Not Murder"
Also, explain the contradictory attitude regarding the death penalty and the above commandment?
Re: #4, shouldn't you also then love and forgive people who commit criminal acts against you? You don't want to shoot someone you love, do you?
Just wondering.
------------------ Star Trek Gamma Quadrant Average Rated 6.83 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux *** "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier ... just as long as I'm the dictator." - George "Dubya" Bush, Dec 18, 2000
[This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited December 28, 2000).]
JeffK, the King James version lists it as "Thou shall not kill," but it is a mistranslation(there are quite a few in the Bible). It is supposed to be "You shall not murder."
------------------ Greg: You bought me a urinal cookie? Mike: Not just any ordinary urinal cookie! It has the AOL logo embossed on it!, 12-08-00
And yet, many cling to these 'mistranslations' as if they were, indeed, the word of God.
------------------ "Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world." - Dave Barry
Does Rule #2 apply to the Commandment not to kill? If yes, how do you justify owning a firearm knowing that God does not want you to kill?
Boy, you have to bring guns into everything, don't you?
a) The commandments were given to the Jews/Hebrews/Isrealites. A Christian is, by definition, one that follows the teachings of Christ, not the teachings of Moses as given to him by God. Now, according to Christ, the entirity of the law can be summed as two commandments. "Love God," and, "Love everyone else like you love yourself," which requires that you love yourself, as well.
b) You just don't seem to get that just because I will own a gun, I would only kill the ever-hypothetical robber if he was directly threatening someone. I'm sure you'd do the same thing. Otherwise, there's this little technique where you point the gun at the guy and say, "Hey, don't move." Then you await the arrival of local law enforcement.
c) Given that, your question is moot.
Also, explain the contradictory attitude regarding the death penalty and the above commandment[.]
I've done this already. I did it in the abortion thread, too. Guess you weren't paying attention. Again.
I hold a different position legislatively on the death penalty than I do morally. As a moral POV, I'd say that the death penalty is wrong. However, I'd also say that a decent possibility for actually reforming criminals would be to lock them in a cell with a Bible for six months, along with daily visits from a priest. What would you say if I tried to have that legislated? Or maybe if I tried to have pre-marital sex outlawed? Heck, practically everyone agrees that it's wrong to cheat on your spouse. Do you think we should make a law against that?
Just because I think something is morally wrong doesn't mean I should try to outlaw it. That would be forcing my belief system on others.
shouldn't you also then love and forgive people who commit criminal acts against you?
Of course I should. But forgiveness doesn't mean withholding of consequences. For an INCREDIBLY hypothetical example, say I slept with my hypothetical girlfriend. I pray for forgiveness, and I get it, as the Bible says, but as it turns out, GF's pregnant. Just because I get forgiven for the sin doesn't mean there aren't consequences.
"You don't want to shoot someone you love, do you?"
Not unless it is the only way I can prevent a more unpleasant alternative from coming to pass (say, the death of an innocent), which, as I've stated more than once before, is the only time I can see myself doing so. Pay attention, for once. I'm getting tired of repeating myself.
------------------ "Still one thing more fellow-citizens--A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government..." -Thomas Jefferson
[This message has been edited by Omega (edited December 29, 2000).]
We get tired of hearing you repeat yourself.
BTW, anyone touch the "say I slept with my hypothitical girlfriend" as an example of sin comment, and I will kill you dead.
------------------ "And Mojo was hurt and I would have kissed his little boo boo but then I realized he was a BAD monkey so I KICKED HIM IN HIS FACE!" -Bubbles
Is there some other way to kill someone than dead that we're not aware of, Liam?
------------------ Star Trek Gamma Quadrant Average Rated 6.83 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux *** "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier ... just as long as I'm the dictator." - George "Dubya" Bush, Dec 18, 2000
One other thing I'd just like to say..... Christians aren't perfect... we're no better than anyone else, though some people seem to think that because the know Christ, that makes them better. It doesn't... we all sin, no matter what... if we didn't, then what Christ did for us would mean nothing. We're human, we're fallible, and we too make mistakes and think incorrectly. I'm not defending the man who did that site, because I STRONGLY disagree with what he said. But how is it any different than if on the site was a man talking who was directly AGAINST Christianity? What if the whole intention of the site was to put God down? Would it suddenly become the responsibility of any non-Christians out there to shut him up? No.... pretty much, everyone just needs to remember this-- no one on this world is perfect, REGARDLESS of what they believe in. Only one man EVER came through this Earth and lived a sinless life, and he paid dearly for it. I truly believe that, and I'll stand by it 'til the day I die. But that doesn't make me perfect or any better than anyone else here, and I'll admit to it.
Christianity isn't out to prove all Christians to be better. Don't blame the belief system. Instead blame the people who take the belief system and twist it out of control. I don't control them any better than I control any of you. The only person I can control is myself (and even THAT is hard sometimes!)
I hope this all made sense. I'm drugged up pretty heavily again.... kinda hard to think straight, and I think I forgot my point a LONG time again.... Pleh!
------------------ "The purple elephants have conquered my pants! Weasels to the rescue!!!" ~TSN, Oct. 23, 2000
I've got a very strong urge to watch "DOGMA" again.
------------------ Star Trek Gamma Quadrant Average Rated 6.83 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux *** "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier ... just as long as I'm the dictator." - George "Dubya" Bush, Dec 18, 2000
It's nice to hear that there are indeed some Christians who feel this way. It seems the only Christians who get representation are guys like Jack Van Impe and Jerry Falwell, and that Phelps (sp?) guy.
------------------ "Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world." - Dave Barry