Wrong UM, it should be noted that school shootings in the US are down 33% I the past 5 years. That�s less "deranged students barging in with guns blazing". Local media just latches on to them because people like being paranoid. And we all know why foreign media latches on.Schoolhouses in no way should be treated like jailhouses. The vast majority should not be punished because of a few (and I mean few.. 5 or 6 people) people�s actions. That�s just not how things work here. As a matter of fact, many school are already being busted for their policies that remove student rights. The American Civil Liberties Union is really starting to crack down on paranoid, corrupted schools (like mine is turning into).
From my article regarding my school:
( http://www.techfx.org )
"When you enter that door, you are constantly treated like a possible murderer. Staff and administration censor you because they are afraid of you. They are afraid that if you display an interest in anything they deem 'inappropriate' they will punish, suspend, and expel you without notice of charges or the right to respond. After all, to them you are the potential murderer."
"If you come to school and don't display an interest in anything they deem inappropriate, if you stick to yourself and don't get caught up in the whole mess, and you�ll be one of the few. One of the few that will be treated as the potential victim. Everything you do will be within the shell of their control. You will be sheltered from anything 'bad' and will be completely unprepared for the life you will face after high school."
As you can see, I'm a bit bitter, being one of the leaders of Oregon's largest Airsoft team, I'm instantly targeted as one of those potential murderers.
In defense of other United States high schools, not all schools are like this. In fact, if you read my article you will find out why. Although there are some pretty crappy schools out there, it just goes with the quality of things. Of cause there is going to be some bad apples, but that doesn�t mean the entire barrel should be dismissed.
Wes Button � [email protected][/URL]
TechFX Studios � [URL=http://uplink.techfx.org/]The United Federation Uplink �
I don't like Wesley Crusher.
[This message has been edited by Wes1701E (edited March 30, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Wes1701E (edited March 30, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Wes1701E (edited March 30, 2001).]