just made by the Presbyterian Church
Member # 256
Ironically, the world would have been a better place because of someone who proposed a total annihilation of the Chinese, Russians, and other people whom he perceives as a threat.
Never have I met a more biased, self-important, propaganda-sprouting, conservative zealout than him.
Question Omega: do you sleep with a gun under your pillow?
Oh dear, I think Omega stepped on a land mine!
And yes buddy, you are a threat! And no, you are not 'free'. What you are, is spouting propaganda. Pray tell me how a US company exploiting workers in sweat shops in Indonesia is good for anything? And I mean anything?
And don't give me that tripe about '30 cents a day is plenty if you live in Indonesia' or 'The factories burning rubber day in & day out don't harm the environment. Or any other such nonsense.
Pray tell me how a US company exploiting workers in sweat shops in Indonesia is good for anything?
They have jobs. Their jobs are better than they would have otherwise. It's still illegal, though, and should be stopped.
And yes buddy, you are a threat!
Again, you base this on... what, exactly? You think that ANYONE with a superior military to yours is a threat? Daryus, if that's the case, EVERYONE is a threat to Australia, short of Iceland.
Ironically, the world would have been a better place because of someone who proposed a total annihilation of the Chinese, Russians, and other people whom he perceives as a threat.
And just who are we talking about, here? 'Cause I've never met or heard of anyone who espoused these beliefs.
-------------------- "This is why you people think I'm so unknowable. You don't listen!" - God, "God, the Devil and Bob"
quote:And just who are we talking about, here? 'Cause I've never met or heard of anyone who espoused these beliefs.
So, do you deny saying this:
One does not reconcile with evil people in control of the largest army on the planet and the ability to nuke any city anywhere, and who have no conscience. One destroys them.
Of course I said that. However, you'll notice I said "people in control". The Chinese leadership controls the country, not the Chinese people. Thus, the Chinese leadership is who I was refering to when I said "One destroys them."
THINK, people. Don't just jump to conclusions that suit you.
-------------------- "This is why you people think I'm so unknowable. You don't listen!" - God, "God, the Devil and Bob"
TMCND Mk 1 Tiny, Mosquito Carrying, Nuclear Device Mark 1
Omega, that sentence has just described the US political system for the past upteen years. So WE ARE a threat!!! Politically speaking....
I am a graduate of the School of the Americas, USAIS, thank you. Along with Cubans, Beliezen(sp?), Panamianains(???), and other Central/South American countries that I won't even attempt to spell. Until I get a word processor running anyway.
JeffK, was that long enough????
-------------------- "You are a terrible human, Ritten." Magnus "Urgh, you are a sick sick person..." Austin Powers A leek too, pretty much a negi.....
We are a threat to those who are a threat to us first. Obviously. Otherwise, there would be far more threats to us, and, by extention, those we protect.
-------------------- "This is why you people think I'm so unknowable. You don't listen!" - God, "God, the Devil and Bob"
Registered: Mar 1999
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No, China started the circle. Their support of the North Korean invasion of South Korea, and subsequent sneak attack on our troops at Chosin, WAAAY back in the fifties. You'll also notice their consistant, blatant agression toward the Republic of China, a country which is a major trading partner of ours. Oh, and yes, look back a decade or two, and you'll see that a high-up general stated quite emphatically that he expected to be at war with the US soon. Same general who was in charge of their abduction and illegal holding of our personel earlier this year.
One of the basic tennants of communist states is the agressive expansion of their oppression. Thankfully, China hasn't been quite as good at it as Russia used to be, but with 1.2 billion people under the total control of an illegitimate government, the existence of the communist government of China is still an attrocity, even without expansion.
-------------------- "This is why you people think I'm so unknowable. You don't listen!" - God, "God, the Devil and Bob"
It's "tenets" not "tennants", as I assume you are referring to basic upholding pillars of principle rather than inhabitants of an apartment building.
But...weren't we the ones that aided Europe (or at least did not oppose them) in carving the territory of China up into spheres of influence, treated them like second class citizens (hell, not even citizens) in the US, supported the militaristic and corrupt government which was eventually driven out by the communist revolution, etc....? Which all started WAAAY back in the 1800s.
Were we not the ones that were a threat to them first?
And "atrocity" is spelled with one "t".
-------------------- "A celibate clergy is an especially good idea because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism."
First one was a careless mistake. Second was a typo. Duely noted.
Did I spell "duely" right"? 'Cause I don't think...
DULY noted.
My spelling is an atrocity.
Were we not the ones that were a threat to them first?
That was a threat to a completely seperate government, and even then, we didn't have anything to do with it. Poland stood by and let it happen, too, but you don't see China going to war with Poland over it. The current state of hostility between the US and the government of the Socialist Dictatorship of China (PRC is just too much of a lie for me to repeat any more, thus the more accurate title) can be traced back to their unprovoked attack on our forces in the Korean war.
-------------------- "This is why you people think I'm so unknowable. You don't listen!" - God, "God, the Devil and Bob"
Well, if that's the game we're playing, I'd like to rename my state Simonia, and it's governor shall now be known as King Babar.
Registered: Mar 1999
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Methinks Omega's been learning his history from the same people who are teaching him his biology.
Governments that let "they started it" guide their foreign policy are in dire need of being locked in a small, dark room with Anne Robinson.
Israel: "Let's keep arse-fucking the Arab scum! They started it!" Palestine: "Let's keep arse-fucking the Zionist shit monkeys! They started it!"
N.I. Catholics: "Let's keep arse-fucking the Prods! They started it!" N.I. Protestants: "Let's keep arse-fucking the Micks! They started it!"
Ethnic Albanians: "Let's keep arse-fucking those Slavic assfaces! They started it!" Macedonians and Serbians: "Let's keep arse-fucking those Albanian wankers! They started it!"
I'd toss in Iraq, Iran, the Kurds, the Turks, the Pakistanis, the Indians, the Vietnamese, the Javans, the Papuans, the Basques, the Spaniards, the Columbian gov't and its rebels etc. etc... but I'd run out of suitable insults.
The Korean War is a relic of history. If you use it as justification for the pursuance of an aggressive war-mongering foreign policy against PRC (yes, the name might be innacurate, but if your name is Gerry Adams, so is "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland") then Canada would be equally justified in militarizing from its foundation, someday hoping to get back at those "evil people in control of the largest army on earth" who, in a textbook example of an illegal invasion, attempted to forcibly annex Canada in 1812.
Anyway, back to your history. The United States has most certainly attempted to forcibly conquer other sovereign states since 1814. Gee, how the hell did little places like Guam and American Samoa become part of the US? Or how about Teddy Roosevelt's little campaigns in the Caribbean, hmm? And yes, the process continued right through the two World Wars when the US did some incredibly awful things in the name of "defending democracy against communism" when it was in fact "defending free-market economies controlled by rump juntas of wealthy fuckheads against democratically elected populists who wanted to crack down on foreign exploitation." Siegfried has already brought up the School of the Americas. I spent months last year researching a term paper on the CIA-under-GHWB/Kissinger/Nixon's dealings in the Southern Cone and Operation Condor (the repressive secret organization, not the Jackie Chan film), and the amount of evidence that Americans were actively helping aforementioned nasty juntas exterminate evil commie bastards makes Darwinian theory look as unfounded as the collected canon of Gene Ray. (Oh, wait...)
Anyway, while in Latin America the Americans didn't actually send their People's Liberation Army marching in and call the area the "United States Overseas Possession of Chile," they did essentially the same thing. So, to China's credit, at least they're honest about commiting military aggression.
Anyway, America is by and large a free and democratic country and has by and large nice people in it. But it doesn't need people advocating the myth that it defends democracy and takes the moral high ground as a matter of due course. America's foreign policy is easily the most self-serving in the Western World. "Gee, whiz, let's not support a ban on antipersonnel landmines, cuz, gee, American soldiers need to use landmines to save democracy, and besides, every landmine Americans lay is only gonna kill evil commie bastards." "Gee, whiz, let's not support having an International Criminal Court, cuz, gee, people like Henry Kissinger might get put on trial and we all know he was just an American hero who only ordered people killed if democracy and freedom and American economic and political interests (which are all synonymous, by the way) would benefit."
Yes, the Chinese communists are a bunch of arsewipes who've performed no shortage of atrocities in Tibet and in Tiannamein Square and against the Falun Gong people. They supported those lovely folks in North Korea who tried to invade the South, not to mention those lovelable Khmer Rouge sorts. But this isn't good vs. evil. This is American interests versus Chinese ones. Entrenching oneself in the belief that your interests are the only ones that can be allowed to triumph and that you are justified in using force to make that so is as morally reprehensible as it gets.
The US spent thirty years saying "The USSR are evil people who must be destroyed" and aside from nearly blowing the world to kingdom come a couple of times, it was only through detente that the Cold War got going on the tracks to resolution.
As Daryus are quite accurately pointed out, the brewing US/China cold war, which was en route to detente before it became a full-on COld War, notwithstanding a rather misaimed NATO bomb or two, is now again well on-track thanks largely to Shrub's decision to start playing hardball for political points. (I await the inevitable comment about Clinton the traitorous bastard letting the pinko scum into the Pentagon basement and all the "solid" evidence of this happening). Except unlike the US/USSR one, this Cold War's clearly a military mismatch. And the fact that this is a mismatch will force the Chinese to try and alleviate that very fact. M.A.D. is still the only effective way to save one's ass from a nuclear strike, and if China thinks that the Americans are likely to do so, then they will develop the capability to do the same back at the US. If the US puts up an NMD, China'll just build more missiles. And faster than Bush can mispronounce "proliferation," we have a rather bad situation. It was the USSR's military inferiority to the Atomically-armed Americans that led to their stonghandedness in Eastern Europe. Mismatches are baaaad.
So, lessons to be learned? Even if the guy across the street is really nasty old sort, standing on one's lawn and screaming across the street that he's a fuckheaded shit-for-brains is unlikely to do much to alleviate the situation, nor is driving one's pickup across the street and spinning doughnuts on his lawn.
-------------------- "I was surprised by the matter-of-factness of Kafka's narration, and the subtle humor present as a result." (Sizer 2005)
quote:You'll also notice their consistant, blatant agression toward the Republic of China, a country which is a major trading partner of ours.
The United States does billions of dollars of trade with Spain. The Basque terrorist army, ETA, has waged "consistent, blatant ag[g]ression" toward the Republic of Spain. So why not pull a Guernica and bomb the Basques back into the stone age? I mean, a bunch of scraggly terrorists would be far easier to defeat than the big bad Chinese, or at least so thinketh Omega.
By the way, who else thinks that Saddamn Hussein would be likely to say the following:
"One does not reconcile with evil people in control of the most powerful military on the planet and the ability to nuke any city anywhere, and who have no conscience. One destroys them." I wonder what country he'd be referring to, though?
[ July 03, 2001: Message edited by: The_Tom ]
[ July 03, 2001: Message edited by: The_Tom ]
-------------------- "I was surprised by the matter-of-factness of Kafka's narration, and the subtle humor present as a result." (Sizer 2005)
just made by the Presbyterian Church
Member # 256
It's called relativism. Except most people can't (or won't) accept that there are no Goods and Bads - always shades of gray. It's the classic "I'm better than you, puh-puh, now go kiss my @rse" story. Thank you H. Truman...
Registered: Nov 1999
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