Oooh, really tough one this.So tough...
In fact, I'm going out on a limb here, and picking TWO, yes TWO Winners!
Please step up:
Lee Kelly
Frank Geu..thingy!
Lee for both 'Spaceballs' and 'Seven's new clothes'
Frank for beating everyone to the testicles thing...
Oooh, the rest was hard...
TSN and Sol are joint runner's up, for combining their powers and becoming Captain Planet. No, wait, for combing their powers with the 'Holy Grail' ref. Tim, you don't NEED to put 'Monty Python ref' at the top. If it's good, we'll all know... And you were close with the Creme eggs joke too. Mmm, creme eggs.
Honourable mentions to jh, just for 'screw you.' Although the doc's probably bigger than 5 foot tall...
Also Montgommery for 'No wonder they were itching so'. Mmm, smooth as a baby's bottom.
Krenim and Jubillee both win the 'presistence award'. Jubes for just refusing not to be dirty (and the 40 capcom readers bit), and Krenim for the amount of effrots he's put into getting one reference from the only Beast Wars episode he's got on tape, and especially for the doc trying to explain the story usig two brightly coloured balls.
There were several of you who were really close, but I've already gone over on this one. Hopefully the fact that Lee has one should save me from his wrath. Maybe all I'll get is a severe glaring.
Later people! It's been...if not fun, then at least enlightening.
'My rigid grill structure...'
[This message was edited by PsyLiam on April 18, 1999.]