As this special double edition CapCom draws to a close, we havwe one moral to learn. CapComs are best kept as one week things. Trust me.
Honorable mentions to TSN's "such forums as.." post and Antagonist's auction, just for being so mean and nasty and um, funny.
Runners up are Liam's little before the beard ditty (unusually short for him) and Shadow's masterful Executioner line (I liked the Perl scripts one, too).
But the winner is the veteran Xentrick, *golf commentator* "who shows and amazing versatility in moving from the CapCom format to the CappsCom and back again". Ever see those guys at the Sizzler? They are such Capps wanna-be's...
"I haven't done any research, but I think the Defiant is 170m."
-Frank Gerratana