(me): Awwwww... he looks so CUTE when he's asleep..... (His mom): Men look cute when they're sleeping so that you won't kill them while they're asleep. I don't let it get to me though. You can do just about anything to him while he's asleep... (me): *idea* and he sleeps too peacefully to notice...... (them both): *evil laughter*
Seduce my mind and you can have my body, find my soul and I'm yours forever. - Anonymous
[This message was edited by Jubilee McGann on June 12, 1999.]
Okay, it's been a week, so I guess I'll judge this. The winners are Liam, for making full use of the angle at which the picture was taken, and Starbuck, for pointing out the frightening resemblance between CC and Riker.