Topic: Changing Face of Evil ($$$ Spoilers + Pic $$$)
Unholy Triangle Fella
Member # 22
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: The Dominion is doomed now that they've got Boothby involved."They blow up my petunias, and I fall back. They burn my lilacs, and I fall back. The line must be drawn here! This far! No farther!"  ------------------ Garak: Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world. Bashir: I bet they didn't teach you that in the Obsidian Order. -Deep Space Nine, "Our Man Bashir."
Registered: Mar 1999
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Active Member
Member # 124
Krenim .....that rocks!!!!!!lol Ok, this is what we need , a pic of boothby ,and and a pick of a whole bunch of dead Jem'hadar. What is boothby's weapon of choice?
Registered: Apr 1999
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