Far beyond explored space, the USS Foxy finds a short-lived wormhole back to Flare territory. Just large enough to send a message through....Voyager deserves 7 seasons. After that a break of a year or so may allow creative batteries to recharge, and hopefully a quality team to assemble to run any new show.
Trek has indeed wandered from its Roddenberry roots a bit too much in DS9. The future will only achieve TNG's appeal again if it is an attractive place to be. Everyone wanted to be on the Enterprise. Nobody who valued their bodily limbs would want a posting anywhere near DS9. Voyager is homely, but the isolation is an unsettling influence. Perhaps a new starship show with a return to the heroes exploring outward and meeting adventures ahead of them, rather than where all the drama arises from threats from neighbours or corruption at home. (All very 1990s as opposed to 2370s!)
As for the idea of a "Flight Academy", replete with lantern-jawed hunks for leads and some "teen appeal" in the style of Buffy? Well, I have cornered this idea in a darkened alley and invite you all to join me in kicking it to death most ruthlessly. >
A break of a year then. Then Trek 10 in the cinemas, with a nice TNG resolution. No sudden death or premature end to the ensemble. (Blow up the E-E, Mr Berman, and I shall blow up Paramount studios...!)
One last point before my wormhole collapses and cuts off the line:
I may last a year without it, but my system requires intravenous injection of new Trek to sustain my bodily functions. So if you take too long a break, you will in effect be murdering me to death. Please bear this in mind.
Wormhole closes
Taking foxiness to the rim of the final frontier....
I shall return.