posted July 23, 1999 03:50 AM
I enjoyed the Intrepid class ship on DS9. Did they ID the ship? I don't remember. I know it was the Voyager model, but I was wondering if they used a name in the DS9 eppy.
posted July 23, 1999 07:43 AM
Didn't catch the episode yet, but I think you're referring to 'Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges', which I spoiled myself something rotten once the Vulcan Cafe posted a very detailed synopsis. Only myself to blame, I suppose. The ship was Admiral Ross', and it was the U.S.S. Bellepheron.
------------------ Nice place to live now son Where ya gonna run? Understand where we're coming from; Put down the gun.
posted July 23, 1999 07:47 PM
The big problem is that going beyond the 24th century would involve such an increase in technology seen on screen that it was just become too powerful. I mean, what's the point of the 'Trek' when you just slipstream to Andromeda? What's the point of a crew if AI and holographic technology could run the ship with an army of EMH-style programs? What fun is combat when everybody has phase-cloaks?
The mid-to-late 24th century is a good level of technology to work with when telling a story. Any further and it just makes everything too "magical".
A series set later on would only invite more plot solutions from the inverse technobabbleon emitter.
------------------ "They don�t call it show business for nothing. This is an ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly town in many, many ways. But big f*cking deal. Big business is ugly. The world is ugly. Our job is to make our little piece of it better. Whenever you get into the general, it�s not going to be all beer and Skittles and Christmas trees." -Ira Stephen Behr on the Moore fiasco
posted July 23, 1999 08:14 PM
Well, perhaps the Federation has its own Butlerian Jihad at some point.
------------------ "We kid around a lot about people who are cyclopses, but seriously; if you're a mythic figure you've got challenges that no one should have to deal with." -- John Flansburgh