posted November 14, 1999 05:50 PM
Votars? And this might be better suited to General Discussion. Not like Chris is going to do anything about it, of course.
------------------ "And if we weren't good to you, Dave, you shouldn't take it all the way to your grave." -- Will Rigby
posted November 15, 1999 12:44 AM
Gotta go with the Trill. They are oh so sexy (the ladies anyway). I love the spots.
However, the Klingons are great for a day filled with senseless violence and screaming at the top of your lungs. I think I'd like to hang out with them after work.
posted November 15, 1999 05:24 AM
I always felt that the Tellurites and Andorians got too little screen time. At least we rarely saw either as a main character.
posted November 15, 1999 06:03 AM
I too would like to see a female Bolian as a main character. Maybe a Bolian/ Human hybrid would be cool. But she'd have to be in shape and sort of good looking. The Bolians we've seen so far have sort of annoying. Crewman Schell (or whatever) from Voyager and Mr. Mott, "the best barber in Starfleet". Yikes! I couldn't handle them on a weekly basis.
posted November 15, 1999 06:36 AM
I have to say that the Vaadwaur are pretty interesting to me, even though they've only been in one episode. I liked the Vidiians, too, but I don't think enough was done with them.
------------------ "Questions, comments, bring them to me. Problems, take them to Kinis."
posted November 15, 1999 11:32 AM
I agree with Baloo. Andorians are supposedly such great warriors, but we've only seem them in action at cocktail parties. Wouldn't you like to see a ship full of snarling Andorians or a bunch of them armed with swords and shields come screaming over the crest of a hill? The Tellarites should also reappear with an updated design. Bring back the Gorn and the Tholians too.
As for a female Bolian, wasn't there one in that episode in which Picard was abducted for some experiment and placed in a room with a clerk, a cadet, and a Naussican-like alien and fed air hockey pucks?
------------------ When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum
posted November 15, 1999 11:38 AM
The Krenim. Definitely the Krenim.
*Smites TPTB for wasting precious references on the Devore*
Followed by the Romulans and Vidiians.
Yes, the Gorn and Tholians should be brought back, especially with advances in CGI. Whereas they were hokey back in TOS, they would actually look quite formidable now.
------------------ "Stop right there! I have here the only working phaser ever built! It was fired only once: to keep William Shatner from making another album."
- The Collector, "Treehouse of Horror X," The Simpsons.
posted November 15, 1999 12:35 PM
The Krenim, the Romulans, the Vidiians (aliens with a motive and compassion!), and the Vorta.
------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
posted November 15, 1999 02:54 PM
I think right now, Vorta is my favorite species. It used to be Vulcans. But for some reason, I like Vorta better
------------------ -Father of Vulcan phylosophy(forgot his name): "Nothing unreal exists" -Spock: "Logic is the beginning of wisdom..."
posted November 15, 1999 04:16 PM
I was really upset when I found out that Section 31 was the cause of the Founders' disease. I was even more upset that the Federation didn't do anything about it. (I guess I was upset because I like the Founders better than the
------------------ -Surak: "Nothing unreal exists" -Spock: "Logic is the beginning of wisdom..."
posted November 15, 1999 05:18 PM
As for the main races, the Romulans are definitely the best.
As for the ones we don't see enough, I like the Tholians (even though I've never seen "The Tholian Web") and the Tzenkethi (even though no-one's seen them). I also agree that some of the TOS aliens should be brought back, like Andorians and Gorn. However, I could do w/o the Tellarites...
------------------ "Alright, so it's impossible. How long will it take?" -Commander Adams, Forbidden Planet