Nah, I think is should be stricly TNG. Give them one last good show. after that, I don't want to ever see them again unless it's a guest appearance. An Enterprise B would make a good made-for-TV movie.
I read a rumour somewhere that the movie was going to be about the GORN vs the ENTERPRISE. Riker would be captain, and Data and Picard would not be in the picture..
The Gorn invade federation space to seek vengeance on the Enterprise, not the Federation.
has anyone else heard of this.. ??
When i find the site I read it from, i'll post it.
Striker: What do you mean one last good show? Not that I think it's a bad idea, I'm just wondering what you mean. Are you saying one last TNG era show, then the next installment (series six or another group of movies) would take place farther in the future? You didn't mean another TNG cast show did you? Actually, Frakes and maybe even Levar Burton would probably do another series. What do you think? An Ent E series with an almost entirely new crew?
Thank for the Welcome.. And yes.. I agree, it sounded a little far fetched for me too.. I was just wondering if anyone else had heard anything to that nature...
Other things I've read only say that Stewart and Spiner are too expensive for it, and they were thinking about putting Riker in charge of the Enterprise. That seems to be a consistant rumour, at least.
I don't believe that a captain can just be replaced and have the movie or series survive. For Picard to not be the Capt of the Next Gen crew, something would need to happen to him. We couldn't just start the next movie, and "Oh, Picard's been made an admiral and Riker's a Captain. Let's go fight the Borg." I just don't see that being satisfying to anyone.
Aban Rune, What I mean is that we should have one last movie with the TNG crew alone, no DS9 or VOY. After that, I never want to see their faces again, unless it's a guest appearance a ways down the road. It's time to move on, I'd love to see more DS9 stuff, Sisko is, IMO the most realistic captain. I also say keep it in the DS9/VOY time period, there is so much more that needs to be told about this period. I would hate for the next ST series/movie/whatever to be set in the future(More so).
I gotcha Striker. I agree totally. I don't want to see a jump in time periods either. There's way too much that needs to be talked about. My only concern with keeping DS9 out of the movies is that so much time will pass that we'll miss out completely on what happens to the crew after the war.