I'm sure they give Jaresh Inyo's race in Encyc II - its its a bovine derived species...Someone here once also mentioned the name of the race that was the communications officer on the Saratoga in "TVH" and the Federation President in "TUC"
There are lots of races - I should do a list/chart
Sentient artificial lifeforms (I'm sure represented by data)
Sentient holographic characters!?!
Gallamite?? Captain Bodiene
vidix Pra'an
Arbarzan (DS9 - The Forsaken) sexually repressed? ;o)
Lyarran? - Aquiel Unhari
Arcturian Clone (ST:TMP)
We'll have to work this out properly - see my wish thread somewhere - about having the next TNG having a PROPER Federation council scene - in some huge - but not idiotically huge and CGI'ed like Star Wars: TPM
but a huge circular plus room - lots of blues and yellows... and a splash of red... with all the members of the Federation - so a complete back catalogue - that HAS to include all the races we have seen over the years - I'm sure they could employ us to do the work ;o)
just give us access to scripts/makeup records for the movies/series... We'll give em back complete lists with gaps for unseen races + speculation about previous NON fed members who could now be fed members - The First Federation? The Yondarans? heaps of TOS basically...
plus they'ed have to have 'seats' for non federation ambassadors - Klingons - were we could have a nice Worf tie in...
Romulans - SELAR! (just a thought) or Creetak or Carolyn whats her name - she played Marla Astor in "First Contact" and the "Maid" in a few Voys and the Rom Commander in "The Face Of The Enemy" and the subcommander from "Contagion"
Carolyn SEMOUR!
ohhhhh an interesting meeting between her and Deanna...
plus Lwaxana for Betazed...
Ferengi - NOG! or ROM!
Bajorans - KIRA!
Cardassians - GARAK!
Dominion... ODO!
Breen... Thot Gor!
- I'm sure he's been on trial for war crimes.
Talarians ("Suddenly Human"
Tamarians (Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra)
Data - as the representative of non-biological sentient beings - i.e. himself - senient holograms and those robots from "The Quality of Life"
The Tzenkethi - can mysteriously have an empty chair...
Oh wouldn't it be awesome...
"Who wouldn't be the one you love
Who wouldn't stand inside your love." - Stand Inside Your Love, The Smashing Pumpkins