OK, I agree with the octopus idea - thats why the first map is fuzzy - but remember the solid map (my earlier attempts at 3d maps - were one off - untouchupable maps - It was just to give you a 'clearer' idea of the top mapabout the Romulans and the Cardassians sharing a boarder - I find this iffy
The Romulans and the Federation is VERY CLOSE TOGETHER - look at 'past tense' look at the Romulan wars, first contact was with Romulans before Klingons - first contact with the Cardassians was not long ago - definately after TOS, about 20 years ago...
I feel there is a LOT of 'neutral' territory between powers -
The federation has a lot of space - because it is a collective of races and their 'space' so they could theoretically fill in the 'neutral' space once they join the federation - cause no one could say otherwise...
but with the Romulans and Klingons - even though they might have been in space longer - they both and the cardassians - are made up of - so it seems fewer races than the federation - and theoretically devote a HEAP more amount of their population to the military etc.
I don't agree with the Romulan Cardassian boarder - i.e. that reference to In the Pale - i think - where the Dominion go in and out of Romulan territory without problems - It is easy to think that the Dominion is spread out through out neutral space between say the Bajorans Federation Klingons and Romulans - but the Klingons HAVE to be closer to the Bajor system than Romulas - because of the short travelling times we have witnessed in DS9 - and the ability to annex parts of Cardassia - and keep a hold of them - this wouldn't be easy if they were surrounded or with out supply lines
see: "House of Quark"
and "The Way of the Warrior"
the Romulans - have been out of the war for quite a while - they are closer to Earth and the Rigel systems - which we know - with Earth is a fair way away by warp
the Klingons AREN'T close - but their not as far as the Romulans...
but I'm repeating myself
also remember - the Klingons and the Federation STRADDLE the Alpha Beta quadrants where as the Romulans are basically in the Beta Quadrants
also about those hirogen dots - the capture was taken when the grid was forming - there were more dots and circles to appear
also I had to push the Fed etc up and the Kazon down etc. cause the whole circular grid wasn't visible.
The house is falling down, 'cause of my loose tounge.