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» Flare Sci-Fi Forums » Star Trek » General Trek » Houston, we have a series.... (Series V $�) (Page 2)

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Author Topic: Houston, we have a series.... (Series V $�)
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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I wonder if they'll even have a transporter ...

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001
"The candidate who slimed John McCain in the primaries and smeared Al Gore in the general election is now the president who pledges to elevate the nation's tone and bring civility to our discorse. Kind of like Michael Corleone brought peace to the mob by killing the heads of the other four families."
--Paul Begala, Is Our Children Learning?

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343

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Probably not.

Might I note that the whole "6th starship" thing probably only applies to STARFLEET ships. This may not even BE a Starfleet ship, but something along the lines of Masao's UES Enterprise.

Or maybe they're stealing a page from "Yamato" & equipping the carrier with a wave motion gun at the bow & a new type of propulsion that turns tubine engine drive energy into Newtonian rocket thrust.

"Gee, the public whipping didn't quite convey their fascist culture, I need something more straightforward. Ah, leather hats!" --Nimrod, on National Socialism fashion design.

[This message has been edited by Shik (edited March 04, 2001).]

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Living the Geeky Dream
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Nah, they're not smart enough to use Masao's ideas.

You know, you really should keep a personal log. Why bore others needlessly?
The Gigantic Collection of Star Trek Minutiae

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Pathetic Vampire
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The only good thing I can see coming out of this series is the short skirt uniform of all starfleet female personall!

If they use the TOS-uniforms, this would be the first strike against continuity.
Either they use the uniforms from "The Cage" (then female personnel wear trousers) or something "new".

My first impression after reading this was %$�&#. But now I think this concept has some interesting points:

  • No Borg-stories
  • The producers/writers are forced to look at continuity, or many fans will hate the series. For example: T'Pau's rank. She's a subcommander. So this doesn't contradict that Spock was the first vulcan in Starfleet.
  • It seems that the relationship between Humans and Vulcans is not the best. Would be nice to see how they became friends.
  • Space is big and undiscovered.
  • Maybe we'll see first contacts with Andorians, Tellarits, Tholians, Klingons...
  • I think this era was a hard time for the Federation. Would be interesting to see, how the UFP manages the starting problems.

    "Second star to the right, and then straight on till morning."

    [This message has been edited by Fitz (edited March 04, 2001).]

    Registered: Mar 2000  |  IP: Logged
  • Malnurtured Snay
    Member # 411

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    I totally forgot about first contact with the Klingons! Do we have any idea of how that happened? I heard a story about a first-contact where the Federation gave them a lot of technology, and the Klingons just went wild with it ... leading to the establishment of the Prime Directive. Not sure if that's canon or not, but still ...

    It'd be kind of cool to show this Enterprise crew mucking stuff up like that ...

    Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
    Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
    "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
    -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001
    "The candidate who slimed John McCain in the primaries and smeared Al Gore in the general election is now the president who pledges to elevate the nation's tone and bring civility to our discorse. Kind of like Michael Corleone brought peace to the mob by killing the heads of the other four families."
    --Paul Begala, Is Our Children Learning?

    Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged

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    What about a time period people!

    They've mentioned SF, so its atleast 2160.

    Also mentioned is 22nd century, thus no later then 2200.

    Klingons (who reportedly/rumoured will be big and bad) don't first contact till around 2218 by most sources.

    So thats 40 years to play with!

    The thing with the Vulcans and possibly a non-SF Enterprise may mean it is based around the cusp of the birth of the federation.

    Meaning: Earth already knows:

    Vulcans, Andorians, Tellerites, Alpha Centaurans, Romulans. And probably a few more species.

    An Aussie Trek Narrator

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    Malnurtured Snay
    Member # 411

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    Is a canon date given for Klingon first contact?

    Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
    Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
    "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
    -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001
    "The candidate who slimed John McCain in the primaries and smeared Al Gore in the general election is now the president who pledges to elevate the nation's tone and bring civility to our discorse. Kind of like Michael Corleone brought peace to the mob by killing the heads of the other four families."
    --Paul Begala, Is Our Children Learning?

    Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
    Pathetic Vampire
    Member # 322

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    Is a canon date given for Klingon first contact?

    According to the ST Chronology it took place in 2218 (TOS Day of the Dove). McCoys says that Humans and Klingons were enemies for 50 years.

    There's the possibility that first contact was prior to 2218 and hostilities started in 2218.

    "Second star to the right, and then straight on till morning."

    [This message has been edited by Fitz (edited March 04, 2001).]

    Registered: Mar 2000  |  IP: Logged
    I'm a spy now. Spies are cool.
    Member # 393

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    I don't want to blow my own trumpet - after all, only UM is limber enough to do that - but I'd like to refer you to my thread Series 5 Tech - If Pre-TOS. You know, all the way back from when it was assumed I was some newbie who didn't know what he was talking about. Nyah. 8P

    "I rather strongly disagree, even if I share the love of Dick. Speaking of which, that would be the most embarrasing .sig quote ever, so never use it."

    - Simon Sizer, 23/01/2001

    Registered: Jul 2000  |  IP: Logged
    Malnurtured Snay
    Member # 411

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    I would also like to point out that I said "prequel" and "Enterprise" a few weeks ago as well. Ahem.

    But, Vorgon, you mean you're not a newbie who doesn't know what he's talking about?*

    *-This should be taken as a joke as I know VP is really some mysterious poster known as "Lee" and he did something "really bad" but what that was I have no desire to learn so I'm going to shut up now.

    Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
    Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
    "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
    -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001
    "The candidate who slimed John McCain in the primaries and smeared Al Gore in the general election is now the president who pledges to elevate the nation's tone and bring civility to our discorse. Kind of like Michael Corleone brought peace to the mob by killing the heads of the other four families."
    --Paul Begala, Is Our Children Learning?

    Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
    USS Vanguard
    i hate clowns
    Member # 130

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    Actually, I've always been fascinated w/ Pre-TOS, if they pull it off, with no silly-willy jumpsuit uniforms, it could be moderately somewhat not terrible. IMHO, they had better show the Battle of Axanar. That could be mighty sweet (though the writers probably don't even remember the reference)

    "You put the geeks on the left and the stalkers on the right and you run for daylight up the middle"
    - William Shatner, discussing a Star Trek Convention on EW-

    Registered: May 1999  |  IP: Logged
    Malnurtured Snay
    Member # 411

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    What is that from?

    Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
    Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
    "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
    -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001
    "The candidate who slimed John McCain in the primaries and smeared Al Gore in the general election is now the president who pledges to elevate the nation's tone and bring civility to our discorse. Kind of like Michael Corleone brought peace to the mob by killing the heads of the other four families."
    --Paul Begala, Is Our Children Learning?

    Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
    doesn't like you either
    Member # 232

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    At other forums there seems to be a lot of skepticism about this casting sheet. Wasn't T'Pau the vulcan matriarch in Amok Time? Also, wasn't Spock the first Vulcan in Starfleet. "Phlox" was also mentioned as a character on Voyager ("Tinker,...") (This is second hand info). They also pointed out the weirdness of characters, albeit minor characters, named Tos, Willam, Leonard, and Forrest. Are clever in-jokes or clumsy references or hints that this is fake?

    "Hoshi" as a Japanese woman's first names seems a bit strange, but "hoshi" is the Japanese word for "star."

    When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum

    Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
    Malnurtured Snay
    Member # 411

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    With the rank of Sub-Commander? Since when has Sub-Commander been a Starfleet rank? Really, the people making that argument need to read what they're bashing first. No she's not a member of Starfleet, she's a Vulcan science officer (that is, a member of Vulcan's space-going fleet), who happens to be serving as Science Officer aboard the Enterprise. I'd say T'Pau is as much a member of Starfleet as Major (or Colonel) Kira Nerys was. And yes, I'd say she's the same T'Pau we'd later see in both Amok Time and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Remember: Vulcans live a VERY long time.

    There was an "Ensign Janeway" in an episode of The Next Generation, but did people use that to bash the concept of Voyager as fake when the captain's name was introduced as Janeway? (Keep in mind: it was originally going to be Elizabeth or Nicole Janeway, and was changed when Bujold left). So the simple fact that "Phlox" has been used before doesn't hold much water, I 'spect. Also: these things change, just because the dude's name is Phlox know doesn't mean it will be when the show goes to air. Remember: Julian Bashir was originaly Julian Amorros.

    So what about the Comm Officer's name? I know a couple of girls named "Crystal", I don't see whats so strange about someone named "Star"!

    Yes, I would say Admirals Forrest, Leonard, and Cmdr. Williams are a "tip o' the hat" to the "big three" of TOS. And that yes, even Tos the Vulcan is another tip of the hat. This is nothing new: Gene Roddenberry named "Geordi LaForge" after a Trek fan! Keep in mind, those four characters above are slotted for the pilot only, then they're gone and we probably don't see them again. And those names could well be changed, although I think Admiral Forrest needs to STAY Admiral Forrest in tribute to DeForrest, who sadly died.

    And did anyone notice that these characters are named in the opposite rank order from the characters? Cmdr. Williams = Will Shatner (who played Kirk), is the lowest rank; Adm. Leonard = Leonard Nimoy (Spock), is the middle rank of the three; and Adm. Forrest = DeForrest (who played McCoy, lowest ranked of the 3), is the highest Admiral in Starfleet!

    Those arguments don't mean anything, and they're not proof that this info isn't valid. They're just nitpicking, a lot of which don't hold up to anything. I mean, christ, who the devil mistakes sub-commander for a Starfleet rank? Good god!

    Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
    Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
    "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
    -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001
    "The candidate who slimed John McCain in the primaries and smeared Al Gore in the general election is now the president who pledges to elevate the nation's tone and bring civility to our discorse. Kind of like Michael Corleone brought peace to the mob by killing the heads of the other four families."
    --Paul Begala, Is Our Children Learning?

    [This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited March 04, 2001).]

    Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
    doesn't like you either
    Member # 232

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    I'm not saying this is fake, I'm just saying we should be skeptical. Until it's confirmed that casting directors are actually using this thing, it's still possible this is fake.

    If this T'Pau is the same T'Pau in Amok Time, that might be cool. The Romulan-style rank suggests she's only attached to this ship without being in Starfleet, which is a way around the "first-Vulcan" thing. That might work.

    As for Hoshi, this name was suggested by others as a reason this casting sheet was fake. I was suggesting it was a possible woman's name, albeit unusual. At least it's better Japanese than "Sulu"

    When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum

    Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
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