We'll use genetics to combine the best qualities of Rick Sternbach and Andy Probert into a single entity. We shall call it... "STERNBERT"!
...or "Probach". Whichever sounds less like a possible character for a popular office-based comic strip.
------------------ "I am slightly disturbed that a news station in the US would use the phrase 'to the max'. What's next? CNN saying 'Totally righteous murders?' BBC News 'Dude, like people were wasted yesterday'. The Times reporting 'Iraq bombed! For Great Justice!'?" -Liam Kavanagh, 22.Feb.2001
The Sovereign-Class, IMHO, looks NOTHING like the Constitution-Class. Not that it looks any less beautiful because of that, mind you. Just saying.
------------------ Star Trek Gamma Quadrant Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted) *** "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!" -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001 **** "The candidate who slimed John McCain in the primaries and smeared Al Gore in the general election is now the president who pledges to elevate the nation's tone and bring civility to our discorse. Kind of like Michael Corleone brought peace to the mob by killing the heads of the other four families." --Paul Begala, Is Our Children Learning?
I'm torn. I for one dislike the direction Eaves has taken Trek...the shuttles and the Enterprise-E all "look like their moving when their sitting still" So basically they looks slicked back and sqaushed kinda....well not really. I mean they are all right, and there are some design ideas that I really like on the Sovereign that just got thrown in with a bunch of stuff I didn't like. But the Insurrection shuttles...yuck. It all seems like he drew them to look 'kewl'...anyone know what I mean? I'm not explaining myself very well. By the way, who designed the Ent-E bridge? I don't like the consoles very much.
IP: Logged
I very much like the Sovereign class. It combines the best design elements of the Constitution II, Excelsior and Miranda class.
I also think the Ent-E shuttles are the best looking of them all.
------------------ Terry: "Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, ...." Max: "And?" Terry: "I forgot." Max: "Come on, Clinton was the fun one, then came the boring one." Terry: "They're all boring."
Yup, but as for runabouts, they should scrap or sell all danubes and go with the "Data's Scout". Talon-class, was it? One meter longer than the Danube, and "oh so stylish". (game ref.)
------------------ Here lies a toppled god, His turnip not a small one. We did but build his pedestal, A narrow and a tall one.
*feh* I prefer the Danube hands-down over the Talon.
And the Type 6, 7, and 10 shuttles to anything seen in Insurrection. After that movie, I wish more than ever that we'd seen Sternbach's Captain's Yacht, rather than the Eaves thingie.
Basically, my problem is in "over-greebling". There's too much unnecessary detailing on recent ships, which IMNSHO takes away from the aesthetics -- especially the 3D hull plating (begun with the 4' E-D miniature). There are other things that bother me about the Nova, Prometheus, Intrepid, Sovereign, Sabre, Akira, Steamrunner, and Norway classes, but I'm still trying to adequately define exactly what that is...
In any event, the ships we're seeing cranked out now do not feel as graceful or elegant to me as the refit Enterprise, the E-D, the Defiant, the Ambassador class, or pretty much anything from TNG. And definitely not as well-thought-out (excepting Dougie Drexler's hack-job on the Defiant).
------------------ "It's obvious I'm dealing with a moron..."
Well then I really feel sorry for you, not being physically able to enjoy the newest ships of Trek. I like Voyager and I LOVE the Prometheus. I just wished they'd tied the four nacelles together in pairs, making the multi-vector deployment look similar to an X-Wing activating S-Foils. (Hell, maybe ILM wanted to do that with her, but had to restrain themselves so as not to have raging hordes of by-the-book trekkers tearing them to pieces for inter-scifi mating...
But the spread-out nacelles does make for an appealing target in a battle, and look what happened to the galaxy-class' nacelles at numerous occasions...
------------------ Here lies a toppled god, His turnip not a small one. We did but build his pedestal, A narrow and a tall one.
-Tleilaxu Epigram
[This message has been edited by Nimrod (edited February 26, 2001).]
Just for fun, someone should point out that this information A.) Isn't from the official Trek site and B.) Isn't from Paramount. It was posted at TrekWeb, for one, and is derived from a comment made during an interview by a high up at Decipher, the company that makes those trading card things that are so popular with the kids these days.
I'd tend to trust Decipher when it comes to stuff like that. They're working more and more closely with Paramount these days, now that they've got the lock on rights to produce card games, role-playing games, and miniatures for all series and movies, as well as recently buying out the company that maintains the Star Trek Official Fan CLub and publishes the Star Trek Communicator.
------------------ "It's obvious I'm dealing with a moron..."
"[Series V] will center on the birth of the Federation and will be set in the time period just before the original Star Trek series."
Uh? Must involve a lot of flashbacks, then, if it's set in the mid-2200s and centers on the mid-2100s...
------------------ "I am slightly disturbed that a news station in the US would use the phrase 'to the max'. What's next? CNN saying 'Totally righteous murders?' BBC News 'Dude, like people were wasted yesterday'. The Times reporting 'Iraq bombed! For Great Justice!'?" -Liam Kavanagh, 22.Feb.2001
Quote: > The Sovereign-Class, IMHO, looks NOTHING like the Constitution-Class.
They're not twins, but there's definitely a family resemblance. Round deflector dish instead of the squashed "eye" of the Galaxy. Round secondary hull. Swept-back dihedral engine pylons instead of the "bent" pylons of Excelsior, Ambassador and Galaxy. Long, tapered nacelles, unlike Galaxy's stubs. Not that I mind. Never liked the Galaxy anyway. You can't shoot the model from many angles, like forward or aft quarter view from above. To tell the truth, I hate Probert windows, those long, thin vertical slits. Reminds me of being in an old castle.
------------------ Never give up. Never surrender.
The aft shuttlebay and the pylons are more or less the only resemblance to a constitution class vessel. The deflector is borrowed from the entrenched excelsior dito, as are the long nacelles with blue warp field grilles. The lack of a real neck could be traced to the Intrepid-class. As for round (oval) engineering hulls, well, they aren't THAT uncommon.
------------------ Here lies a toppled god, His turnip not a small one. We did but build his pedestal, A narrow and a tall one.
I reckon the Sovvie has more in common with the excelsior... it has VERY similar features... and its like there are two similar ships 3 times within the six Enterprises...
connie connie refit
excelsior sovereign
ambassador galaxy
------------------ "This is cooling, faster than I can..." Tori Amos "Cooling"