Not exactly. The set occupies virtually identical *space* on the soundstage, to use the same lighting grid and such. But other than general layout, it's completely different (fewer beds on the side, added surgical bay, differently shaped office, etc.). The only sets on Voyager which incorporate parts of previous sets are the transporter room, crew quarters (the big one), engineering, and Deck 15 as seen in "Good Shepherd". Everything else is pretty much new.
Plus, the Sternbach interview said that some of the sets may be being preserved for later use in Series V, which probably means that the Sickbay set was similarly saved for Trek X. Not that it was ever really important in the TNG movies, though... Which is why a new set wasn't built in the first place.
------------------ "Why build one, when you can have two at twice the price?"
Regarding the photo I posted, I got it off Bernd's site if i remember correctly. So, the credit goes to him. I don't know where exactly he got that photo from though.
------------------ [Bart's looking for his dog.] Groundskeeper Willy: Yeah, I bought your mutt - and I 'ate 'im! [Bart gasps.] I 'ate 'is little face, I 'ate 'is guts, and I 'ate the way 'e's always barkin'! So I gave 'im to the church. Bart: Ohhh, I see... you HATE him, so you gave him to the church. Groundskeeper Willy: Aye. I also 'ate the mess he left on me rug. [Bart stares.] Ya heard me!
Wern't Data's/Worf's/Harry Kim's quarters... originally Kirk's quarters in "TUC" and wasn't that originally Kirks quarters from TMP...??
------------------ Homer: I'm gonna miss Springfield. This town's been awfully good to us. Bart: No, it hasn't, Dad. That's why we're leaving. Homer: Oh, yeah. [pokes his head out the window] So long, Stinktown!
No... the "junior officers" quarters on TNG used to be the Senior Quarters in the TOS movies. However, in the latter TNG seasons this was apparently changed to expand the size of the sets and partition the rooms, among things. This was changed again to expand the size again, thus doing away with the original TOS movie set altogether for Voyager.
------------------ "Why build one, when you can have two at twice the price?"